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“Is it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Do you not find them sinful or immoral?”

She had hardly been able to look down at a page and wondered at his prying. “The ones I’m familiar with give insight into different society than ours. It is true, they are crude and improper.”

“Yet you don’t find them scandalous?”

“They’re just stories,” she argued. “They’re entertaining.”

Trying to keep her opinions to herself, she tried to keep her responses polite.

“You surprise me, Lady Lydia.”

“How so?” she asked.

“That a woman so strikingly beautiful as you would endeavor to expand your mind with such extensive reading,” he told her, his expression quizzical.

For a moment she was shocked at his compliment, too surprised to even be embarrassed. She cocked her head slightly. “Why, Mr. Conner, I think you aim to flatter me, for I am no prettier nor any more knowledgeable than any other lady.”

He promptly closed his book, leaning towards her. “That is where you are wrong, my lady. I suspect that we could have a battle of wits, you and I, regarding all manner of topics. Philosophy, politics, manners, and etiquette. Am I wrong?”

“Many high-born women could do as such,” she argued. “We are raised to be engaging and charming in order to secure advantageous matches to all manner of men throughout society.”

“Exactly so,” he agreed. “Which is my point.”

“But my point is, I am no different, then.”

“Why do you seek to demean yourself to me? Can we not speak freely here in the privacy of our peers, the books that keep us company?”

She looked around, feeling very vulnerable to be alone with him. With all of the time that she had spent with Michael so far, she had not had any indication that Joseph was interested in her. Moreover, his flattery seemed to directly contrast the fact that he was engaged to Kitty.

The thought crossed her mind that Kitty’s distrust and animosity of her might have stemmed from knowing her fiancé better and seeing his interest. She realized that she needed to be much more careful around Joseph to prevent curating any additional affection in him, much as she had with previous suitors.

“I do not demean myself,” she said smoothly. “I merely speak the truth.”

While she was wondering how to extricate herself from the conversation, Michael pushed through the door. She looked up quickly, taking notice of his damp hair and her cheeks flushed red.

“There you are!” he said, his face flush with activity. “I’ve worked up an appetite for breakfast, won’t you both join me?”

“Of course, Your Grace,” Lydia agreed quickly, shelving her book, and following Michael.

“Michael, it seems like you’ve been out for a swim,” Joseph noted, following them. “Just like when we were boys. Had you told me, I would have joined you!”

“I didn’t want to rouse you from bed at such an early hour for a silly adventure,” Michael grinned mischievously. “You indulge my shenanigans far too much as it is.”

“Perhaps you’re right,” Joseph laughed. He patted his pocket and turned back to the library. “I forgot something. I’ll be up directly.”

“Have you been awake long?” Lydia asked Michael softly, despite knowing his endeavors.

He looked over his shoulder to her with a twinkle in his eye. He glanced back to ensure Joseph wasn’t close enough to hear and he whispered to her, “I hope you enjoyed the view out your window this morning.”

She flushed red but did not respond as they entered the breakfast parlor. Uncle Francis, Lionel, and Ranora were already eating, engaged in a debate over a political article in the paper. Kitty had her chin in her hand, watching them with a bored look on her face. She lit up when they entered the room.

“Good morning!” she cried cheerfully. She jumped up to join them at the breakfast buffet. “What do you have planned today, Your Grace?”

“With the clouds emerging this morning, I imagine we’ll have rain. I expect we’ll all be stuck inside for quite some time. I’m sure we can divert ourselves suitably with some games, or music. Or do you draw, my lady?”

“I would love to play the pianoforte for you all,” Kitty interjected, but Michael ignored her. Lydia caught a slight fall in her face at being overlooked, despite how she had tried to draw attention to herself.
