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Seeing them preoccupied smoothed his annoyance with them slightly. As often as he saw Kitty usually, he forgot that she did not always live at the estate. However, she and Joseph typically occupied themselves as he was typically away or his schedule unpredictable. It was easy to imagine that they enjoyed the additional company that Lydia provided.

“You seem preoccupied, Michael,” Lydia said in a low voice.

“My apologies,” he said, smiling down at her.

“What were you thinking of?”

His smile turned mischievous. “How I might pull you into the bushes just up ahead and kiss you.”

She flushed, looking down with a smile. He slowed their pace, allowing Joseph and Kitty to round the corner ahead. Once he was satisfied, they were sufficiently out of sight, he stopped Lydia and turned to face her.

Cupping his hands around her face, he lowered his mouth to hers. The way that she responded to him made him want more of her. She pressed her soft body against him, so he wrapped a hand around her waist, pulling her firmly against him. His tongue sought hers, exploring her mouth. Her tongue met his and he let out a soft groan.

He heard voices behind them. Not wanting to give up her closeness just yet, he pulled her into an alcove of hedges just a few steps away, back into a corner. Hidden from view, he grasped her buttocks and kissed her deeply again. With her body against his, he knew there was no way that she didn’t feel his desire for her pressing into her.

Desire flooded through him. His fingers dragged the fabric of her dress, wanting to strip it from her body. He slid his other hand across her breast, his thumb searching and finding the firmness of her nipple through her stays. When she gasped, he continued to gently caress the tender flesh.

When he felt her shift her leg, offering slightly more space for him to nestle between her legs, he almost forgot himself completely. The voices were drawing closer, and he felt her hold her breath, pulling away from him. He held her close, leaning his forehead against hers. Even though he knew he needed to calm himself, he started to kiss her again, hoping the intruders would walk past without disturbing them.

“There you are!” they heard Lionel call out.

“Have you seen the duke?” Kitty called back.

Lydia looked up at him wide-eyed. They could not see the others from their vantage point. Michael hoped that they would not see them either.

“What do we do?” she mouthed.

Michael looked frantically over his shoulder. He had never been caught in a compromising situation before, let alone with a woman of good reputation.

“Blo -” he started to curse.

She stopped him with a light touch of her hand. “Stand guard at the gap in the hedge, there,” she instructed, pointing. “If they ask, tell them I was adjusting my shoe.”

“Your shoe?” he asked incredulously.

“It’s impolite to say I was adjusting my stockings,” she explained, equally incredulous. She shooed him towards the entrance to the alcove.

“His Grace and Lady Lydia were right behind us a moment ago,” Joseph was explaining as Michael took his place.

Lydia turned her back, tucked away in the corner, quickly reaching down to her shoe. Michael faced the path of the garden stoically. Seeing Uncle Lionel, Francis, and Aunt Ranora approaching their hidden location, he spoke up.

“We’re here,” he announced. “My lady was adjusting her shoe and asked me to watch out for her.”

Francis looked the most skeptical, at least he let his confusion show. Ranora seemed unphased. Lydia tapped him on the shoulder, and he let her pass out of the alcove. She smiled radiantly as though they had not been nearly caught kissing passionately.

“Thank you, Your Grace,” she said demurely. She turned to her uncle, “The country air after a rain is most refreshing, is it not, Uncle? You would never experience anything like this in the city.”

“Yes, well, perhaps you should visit Rackliff estate more often,” he stammered in response.

Michael almost grinned at how quickly she changed subjects, distracting them all from the situation.

“His Grace has shown me this most exquisite rose,” she claimed, taking her flustered uncle’s arm, guiding him away from the group.

Ranora fell in step with Michael as they all followed behind Lydia and her uncle. Michael knew that she had seen through the act, despite the expressionless face she maintained. While his aunt was polite to him in company, she never lost an opportunity to chastise him for his behavior in private.

“We can all see through the act,” Ranora whispered. “You two may think you fool everyone. Lady Lydia is not another whore for you to take to bed. She is a good girl. Try to remember that and mind your manners, Your Grace.”

Michael swallowed hard, struggling between indignation and a strange feeling of regret. He figured maintaining their cover was the best approach. “I’m not sure what you think you saw, Auntie, but I promise, my intentions with Lady Lydia are pure.”

She laughed. “Joseph has already told me that your engagement is a lie. I do not know what you intend with Lady Lydia, but I know you do not plan to marry her.”

He opened his mouth to protest.

“Oh, do not worry. I will not tell your uncle, nor Lady Lydia’s. Let them be blissfully ignorant for a little longer.”

Michael felt anger growing in his breast for Joseph giving up their charade, even if to his own mother, and Michael’s own aunt. He did not know why Ranora knowing made him angry, though he guessed he was enjoying the charade more than he wanted to admit.

“I will not compromise Lady Lydia,” he promised. “I have the utmost respect for her.”

“Why do I not believe you?”

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