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He stood quickly, folding her into his arms. Pressing his mouth against hers, he kissed her deeply, crushing her against his chest. Once he broke away, he cradled her head against his chest, breathing out a relieved laugh of his own.

“Let’s call your mother and uncle back in,” he said. “We still must act quickly, such that we be wed before the morning.”

Michael broke away from her, going to the door, where everyone was still gathered in the hallway.

“Come in, please. Let us share some good news with you all,” he said, as they came back into the room.

Trepidation still filled their faces, even when Lydia said, “The duke has asked me to marry him.”

“What!” Trinity cried, as she rushed to Lydia’s side, glancing at Michael. “Is this true?”

“Yes, I’ve actually proposed,” he assured her, grinning.

“I have heard enough of these shenanigans,” Uncle Francis protested, pushing past Martha. “Until we have a settlement in place, I do not believe you.”

Michael gestured to Lydia, “Hand over the license.”

Unfolding it again, she handed it over to her uncle. “The duke has obtained a special license.”

“I mean to marry her tonight,” he said. “If we need to go over the details, let us do it quickly.”

Francis looked from Martha to Lydia, then back to Michael. “Where on earth are we going to find a solicitor at this hour?”

“Is that necessary?” Martha asked. “Surely we can solidify the vows, worry about the settlement later.”

“I am not concerned,” Michael said, turning back to Lydia. “I would have you, no matter the settlement.”

She blushed, looking down at the floor.

“This has been such a storm of emotions,” her mother sighed, shaking her head. “But there is still much to do. Where will we find a minister at this hour?”

“There was the new curate,” Marcia interrupted. “At the duchess’s ball. He had just arrived. Perhaps we could convince him. Surely, he is still there.”

“That is a great suggestion,” Martha nodded, then looked to Michael. “Do you have any other thoughts, or shall we send someone to fetch this curate at once?”

“I have no argument,” he nodded.

“We’ll send a footman at once,” Martha nodded, turning to Marcia. “Have Smith send for the curate.”

Marcia nodded and sped from the room.

“Your family, should we let them know?” Martha asked Michael. “Would you like them at our ceremony?”

“Yes, you are right,” Michael nodded again, starting to look overwhelmed.

“Shall we do the ceremony at your home?” Martha continued. “We have no chapel here.”

“We do have one at our London house,” he agreed. “Perhaps we head there.”

“That may be a good idea.”

“Pack up your things, then,” Michael agreed, looking to all of them. “We can have the ceremony, then head straight to bed, after. Maybe we’ll be asleep before we would have if we all stayed at the duchess’s ball.”

Lydia laughed, feeling overwhelmed herself.

“Let’s help you change,” Trinity suggested, pulling at Lydia. “The white dress you wore earlier this Season would be perfect.”

Michael stepped forward to kiss her on the cheek. “I’ll head straight home, make arrangements at my end,” he looked to Francis. “Would you come with me? We can discuss details on the way over.”
