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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Just as quickly, his high spirits came plummeting down. “What do you want?” he asked again when she did not respond immediately.

"Nicholas," she said, walking up to him, swaying her body in a manner that was designed to temp. "Your Grace," he corrected her through gritted teeth.

"Fine.Your Grace."

"I don’t have time for this.” He started to walk away but she restrained him with a hand on his arm.

"Oh, you and I both know exactly what I want," she said sweetly. "Deep inside, you know you want the same thing as I do. The eyes never lie, Nicholas. Especially yours." She inched very close to him, too close. He thought she was going to take hold of one of his coat lapels but her hand brushed past his shoulder and opened the door behind him instead. She had always been a trickster. "We should talk. In here. Away from prying eyes and ears."

Nicholas glanced behind him into the dimly lit salon then back at the woman before him. "Whatever you have to say to me can be said here, Miss Whittaker. Amongst theprying eyes and ears."

"Suit yourself." She pursed her lips and looked at him for a moment. "You should know that I was not in support of my mother's approach to the situation."

"I am not interested in your belated opinions." Nicholas removed himself from between her and the open doorway.

"Even if they would give you an easier way out?" she asked smugly.

Nicholas opened his mouth to reply, but closed it, briefly considering the olive branch she appeared to be extending. "I am listening."

Vanessa laughed at finally having him where she wanted him, or so she thought. "If you really are listening, Nicholas, then you should have noticed my use of the past tense in my statement. I said Iwasnot in support of my mother's approach. I have had a change of heart, you see. Now I think she handled the situation quite well. Sorry,Nicholas, but you had your chance."

Nicholas ground his teeth together as a nerve began to work in his temple. Her gaze traveled over him slowly before glancing into the room. "I do have one offer still on the table, though." She moved closer to him again so that her body was almost brushing his. "What say you, Nicholas?" she whispered seductively, her hand playing with his cravat. "Want to rekindle some old memories?"

"What I want is for you to remove your person from my presence, Miss Whittaker. Know your bounds and stay within them.” His voice was dangerously low as he warred with the anger burning within him—most of it at himself for being the veriest of fools. "If it is entertainment you seek, there is a room full of wealthy Lords just down the hallway." He nodded in the direction.

"How dare you?" She stepped away and her hand shot up, angling for his face. He grasped her wrist to stop her. He would not allow himself to be stuck by her. Gently but firmly, he brought her hand down to her side.

"Have a good evening,” he said, turning on his heels and marching to the ballroom.

* * *

On sighting Ernest, Jenny immediately shoved a chattering Daphne into his arms. The girl had been talking about anything and everything in the hopes of cheering her up. Nothing had worked.

"The first waltz is starting," she said to Ernest, and to her surprise, he did not argue. He did not even look displeased. This ought to have made Jenny very happy, but right then, she was too distraught to pay much mind to anything other than her husband whom she had been watching the ballroom doors for his return.

Before he drew Daphne away, he frowned. “Jenny, are you all right? You look pale and out of sorts.”

She mustered a smile. “I am well, Ernest. Now, go and dance while I look for my husband.” She turned away quickly before he could ask more questions.

The days after Vanessa’s revelation had been the most difficult days of her life and she had spent them carefully considering what she knew and what she did not. Sometimes, she was filled with anger and other times grief.

She had refrained from confronting him about it because she dreaded the answer she might receive. If he answered in the affirmative, then it would all be over and she would have nothing. Another of her fears was that acknowledging what she had been told and giving it voice would somehow make it real and Nicholas could be taken away from her for good.

Sighing, she resolved to look for him. It was time to know why he had kept this from her. It was time she discoveredhisside of the story. Someone touched her arm, stopping her. For a moment, she thought it might be Nicholas.

“Where are you in a hurry to go?” Phineas asked, smiling down at her. He looked impeccable, as usual, and she returned his smile in Ernest.

Something brightened in her when she saw he was at peace with himself tonight. It was good to know that, at least, one of them was doing better. “It’s good to see you, Phineas. And please do forgive my husband—”

“You needn’t apologize, Jenny. I do not fault you in any way.” He smiled and offered her his arm. “Since you are not dancing, shall we take a turn about the room?”

Jenny looked about the ballroom again for Nicholas. He was nowhere in sight and she decided to accept Phineas’ offer. “Yes, we shall,” she said, slipping her hand into the crook of his elbow.

As they walked, Phineas tried to engage her in conversation but she was too distracted to pay attention and he noticed. He stopped walking and turned to her. "Hopefully our paths cross again before the evening is over, Jenny."

“Phineas, I…” she trailed off when she spied Nicholas across the ballroom, searching the crowd for her.
