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He couldn’t keep the smile off his face as the two police cars drove away from that snooty gated community. His call to that annoying woman detective had done the job.

They’d gone to question Boone at his house. They’d believed his lie about seeing Rita’s husband at the restaurant.

Like he’d ever go there. That jerk didn’t support his wife. Didn’t appreciate what he had.

He hated men like that. He appreciated his women. For some unknown reason, they didn’t often appreciate him back.

Because they always wanted the jerks. Nice guys come in last. Every single time.

This time, he would win. Would earn a point for all the nice guys out there.

It was just a matter of waiting for Rita to come around. Tying her up hadn’t yet convinced her. Withholding food hadn’t done it either. He might have to actually hurt her. Didn’t want to, but if that was what it took he’d do it.

She would see the light. Realize what a treasure she had in him.

Then they could have the dream life.

All the better if he could frame Boone for the abduction. How hard could it be? People always blamed the man in a woman’s life. And technically they were right in Rita’s case. He was her boyfriend, even though she’d tried to break up with him.

She actually thought he’d agree to that. Showed how stupid she really was. Women these days thought they could do whatever they wanted, treat men however they wanted. The worst thing in the history of the world was men allowing women equal rights.

Why had anyone thought that was a good idea? Men needed to lead the world, head their families. Rule all. Not women. Couldn’t they see how that was nature’s design? Men were natural leaders with their obvious superior physical strength. Women were soft, weak.

It all had a purpose. Men controlled, women followed.

And he would make sure the right order of things remained in his life, even if the majority of modern men chose the weak path.

He wouldn’t be a pansy.

That was Rita’s job. She would snap into shape if she knew what was good for her. Time for her to forget about the restaurant and spend her time cooking for him and keeping his house clean. Before long she’d be walking around pregnant and barefoot for the next decade, ensuring his family line continued. They would raise their boys to be warriors and their girls to know their place.

His heart raced at the thought.

But then the smile melted off his face.

He had so much work to do before his dream was fulfilled. At least he already had a beautiful and charming woman in his possession. It was only a matter of whipping her into submission.

What a beautiful sight that would be. To see her place in the natural order of things restored.

He was so close.

He released the emergency break and followed Boone’s car. Made sure to stay back far enough that the loser wouldn’t suspect anything.

The married man stopped at the mistress’s house again.

So predictable.

Boone was a terrible provider. He deserved to have his wife taken by another man. By a real man. Someone strong and capable. Someone who could keep a woman in line.

Sure, he had a little work to do to get there himself. But he at least had Rita restrained. That was more than Boone could ever claim. He’d simply allowed her to start a business. Hadn’t cared when she showed all the signs of an affair.

He watched as Boone greeted the scantily clad woman and stepped inside.

He would go down one way or another. Since the fake sighting at the restaurant hadn’t worked, he would have to up his game. Think of something more convincing. Might have to plant some evidence. Didn’t matter what it took. He would do anything to get that man out of the picture. The jerk didn’t deserve to be married to a woman like Rita.

But Boone would have to wait.

It was past time to get back to the cabin and check on his woman. Perhaps another night alone in the ropes had been the convincing his beauty needed to decide to cling to him, to realize how much she desperately hungered for him and his leadership.

Yes, today might be the day he could free her, and they could start their new life together.

The way it was meant to be.
