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“I’m telling you, I think Boone is sneaking into his own house.”

“You think he’d do that?”

“He knows Ari and I would be looking for him — he admitted to having arson supplies so he could burn down Rita’s restaurant.”

“Criminals do like returning to the scene of the crime.”

“Exactly. Coming back kills two birds with—”

“I see something.”


“Movement in the shadows, like you said.”

Damon tried to see around him. “Is it Boone?”

“Can’t tell.”

“That’s what so frustrating.”

“There it is again.”

“How’d he get past the gate?” Damon asked. “I’m sure the police would’ve told the guards to be on the lookout for him. They know about his arson supplies.”

“They should’ve arrested him.”

“There’s no evidence he actually committed any crime — either arson or kidnapping.”

Charles grumbled and pressed his face against the window. “If that’s him out there, he’s taking his time.”

“Maybe he sees us?” Damon asked.

“Then he wouldn’t move at all.”

“I’m going upstairs to see if I can get a better view. You stay here and make sure we don’t miss anything.”

Damon hurried up to the second level and to the nearest window. Definitely a better view from here. Not that he could see Boone. It was still the middle of the night with limited lighting. And if Boone didn’t want to be seen, he would be careful.

But Damon would be more patient. He’d wait for the creep to slip up.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket, ready to call the police the moment he was certain Boone was there.

Another movement.

Damon froze. Waited.

Someone dressed all in black darted in front of the house across the street, ducking low and looking around.

It was impossible to tell if it was Boone. But it was someone. Could be a prowler.

He snapped a blurry picture with his phone and called 911 while heading downstairs and explaining the situation to the dispatcher.

Charles was also on the phone.

Damon raced upstairs to get Ariana.
