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Chapter Twenty-One

The ride to The Deer and Fox was long. But the carriage was well-sprung and their driver a very capable man.

In the end, Seth was pleased with the time they made.

“Mr. Hatcher is not a pleasant man,” Seth told Charlotte as they rolled to a stop in front of the inn. “You need to know who we’re up against. He’s been known to have shot men in the hand if they couldn’t pay.”

“Gracious,” Charlotte said. “Doesn’t sound like the kind of man I care to ever speak with.”

“No,” Seth agreed. “I stopped over here once while traveling home from London one year. I never came back.”

Charlotte gave his arm a squeeze. “But you remembered it and its disagreeable owner. I’m sure Emma and Jane will be quite thankful for that, at least.”

The way she looked up at him now, full of pride and confidence in him, he’d do anything to see that look in her eyes every day. He wanted her, no matter what life would throw at them next, for all the ups and downs and in-betweens. He wanted her, by his side, for the rest of his life.

Seth patted her hand where it rested against his arm. “I’m a tackle-problems-head-on kind of man. When someone stands in the way, I don’t hesitate to face them. Right now, Mr. Hatcher is in the way, standing between us and Jane.”

“Which means...?”

“Which means,” Seth said, “I’m going to march right up to that door, bang on it good and loud, and be the one to distract Mr. Hatcher while you slip around back and sneak the girl out of there and into the carriage.”

Charlotte laughed softly. “Good heavens. You do realize we cannevertell our children about this, right?”

Ourchildren—he liked the sound of that. “Nothing is worse than your children finding you out. It’s far worse than our parents finding out ever was.”

“Too true.”

A silence fell around them. Seth had little doubt that Charlotte was doing exactly what he was—readying himself for what they must do next.

“Are you going to tell him why you’re really here?” Charlotte asked.

“No. I think I’ll make up something about getting a late start this morning and needing a room. Dressed as I am, he’ll think I’m just another lord with a total lack of regard for others, unconcerned about causing inconvenience.”

“Very well, but let me leave the carriage first. I’ll slip around toward the back of the building and see if I can get in that way.”

The driver opened the carriage door, and Charlotte was about to step out when Seth took hold of her hand and held it tight. “You be careful, you hear me? If you hear anyone, anyone at all, you hide. If you get caught, you scream, good and loud, and I’ll come running.”

Charlotte’s smile brightened. Then, most unexpectedly, she leaned in and kissed him quickly. Her lips were soft, and he was momentarily enveloped by the smell of her.

As fast as she’d leaned in, she pulled back again, still smiling. “Don’t worry. I can do this.”

Before Seth could say anything else—which, after the surprise kiss, wasn’t likely to be anytime soon—Charlotte slipped out into the night.

Seth took a moment to just breathe. He’d been preparing himself during the hours-long ride here to go in with a clear head. That was impossible now.

She’d kissed him.

All this time, he’d been so convinced she would never look at him romantically, never see herself with someone so decidedly below her own station in life...

Yet,shehad kissedhim.

Seth ran a hand down his face. His fingers stopped at his mouth, and once more he could feel her lips against his, her nearness. It had been a very brief moment, but one that stretched on in his mind.


Holy gads.

Gads upon gads.
