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Chapter 5

Harper took her time around the gardens with Leah. It had become a hobby of theirs over the years, looking at the flowers change over the seasons, leaving the stresses of life inside, taking in the fresh air. It was a way for Harper to decompress. One day she knew that strolling through the garden, observing all the colours and freshness, would not be so easy to schedule with Leah.

One day, she would have her family and that would be that. Children would require her attention. Older age would steal her time elsewhere. And that was fine, she had come to accept that. That was why she embraced the time that she had in the present with her friend.

She had found it all the harder to clear her mind after the night of the party. It kept haunting her, over and over again. The scene of everyone looking and talking, the moment where James had had enough and stormed out, it was all so terrible and shameful. Finding a new suitor might have taken her mind off it all, but that was left in the hands of the unpredictable, and probably unreliable, Brian. He was probably just humouring her that night. What did he care if she found a new man to be engaged to? He had probably left town already laughing about how he ruined her life. That was more like it. No matter how attractive he was or how good he smelled, he didn’t care. Accepting that sooner rather than later, would only be of benefit to her.

“Whatever are you doing out here just strolling about?” The deep and steady voice of Brian made her jump.

“Gosh, you startled me. Never approach a woman from behind. It is not polite.”

“My apologies.” Brian started to walk with her but at a distance.

“You are always apologizing to me, aren’t you? Do you fancy yourself a habit-forming man?”

“Only for the drink. You never answered my question.”

She had been too lost in thinking about how they were together again to remember his question. But then it had suddenly come back to her. “I am indulging in the beauty and splendour that these flowers offer. It has become a passion of mine.”

“That is funny. You do not look like someone who would enjoy flowers.”

A million different assumptions crossed her mind as to what he meant by that. She hated how much she cared. He obviously didn’t care enough to mince his words, so why should she have cared about him in any form. “I am not going to pretend as though I know what that means.”

Brian laughed. “I am only teasing. You just seem like someone who would be behind a book or something. You’re very witty. And from my experience, those who are witty are well-read.”

Somehow, he was able to shift words that sounded like an insult into words that turned her face a light shade of pink. “I am well-read. But I also enjoy flowers. Perhaps I am criminal that way.”

“There’s that wit again. But on to why I am here.”

Harper found herself somewhat disappointed that he had been next to her for any reason, aside from just wanting to see her. But that was folly. She had remembered their deal. “Go on.”

“Michael has expressed interest in you. We were speaking about you the other night and I told him of the situation. He would gladly take James’ place.”

She tried to analyse Brian’s tone in the matter. Was he happy about such a thing? Why did he seem flirtatious in one moment and eager to find her a suitor in the next? He was tremendously difficult to read. “Is that so? Someone in our friend circle. That is an interesting prospect, to say the least.”

Brian didn’t say anything right away. Instead, the sound of their footsteps filled the air. A few steps passed and he finally said, “I know that it is not what you were expecting in terms of a suitor. It may even be a little strange. So, if that is the case, I can call him off without hurting his feelings.”

Why was he so accommodating in seeing that idea fail? Was Harper looking too into things when it came to Brian? Most likely. But she still wanted to play her little games to see what Brian’s true agenda was. She had learned over the years what could make his nerves rattle. But she had also realised that she knew when he was concealing those very same nerves.

“No, actually I wouldn’t mind seeing if a childhood friendship could turn into something more.” She let those words hang in the air for a moment. She was proud of herself. Those were the perfect amounts of words to see just how he would react. If he agreed, then he had no motives for himself. But if there was more hesitation then maybe there was something more.

Since the seconds of silence ticked on, she imagined what it would be like to be courted by Brian. He was a challenge, that was certain, an interesting, complex challenge. They had shared very fond memories together outside of their bickering. But even their bickering brought a smile to her face.

“All right then.” Brian’s tone had changed to a flatter version of itself, almost like he had been defeated in some way. “That is good news then. I’m sure Michael will be more than happy to hear that.”

“But you do not seem happy about that. You are one step closer to fulfilling your promise and being off free. Is that not what you want?” She tried not to smirk while saying it.

His pauses were killing her. The way that he thought about each answer so carefully, it made Harper’s mind run. “I am happy if my friends are happy. Perhaps that means that I am not such a dreadful person after all. The bunnies and squirrels will surely stop running away from me now.”

Harper laughed but controlled it so that she could steady her next batch of words to mess with Brian even more.

“Well then, I guess that begs the question…when should Michael and I meet?”

Another pause. “There are three, two-person gigs available this afternoon if you are free. I don’t think that Michael is aware of your passion for flowers. So, you might have to pull yourself away from it for a few hours.”

Harper held her laugh in, surprised that he remembered that she used the wordpassion.That meant that he actually did pay attention to her. “I can pull myself away from the splendour for a few hours. That sounds ideal. The six of us could ride out together, perhaps picnic, and return before sunset. You really are a rake if you think of such romantic situations so easily.”

She caught Brian as he rolled his eyes. “You were the one that listed off all the events like that. I am only a rake when it comes to drinking.”
