Page 13 of Safeguard

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YOU’D THINK CHAUFFEURING her around all day would be tedious, but I’ve enjoyed every moment. My favorite part is watching through the window of the nursery as she cuddles those tiny babies. The way she speaks to them and sings to them—makes me feel things I’ve never felt before—not even with Erin.

“You’re pretty cool, lady. How did you get involved with Power of Love in the first place?” I question on the way back to her place, as she flips through the radio stations humming along with each song.

“I did a story on it last year. Human bonding is essential for newborns, and there’s too many of them born without someone to give them love and care. A lot of those babies are born addicted to drugs, and they go through withdrawal just like an adult would. Love is essential to their physical and emotional development. I know what it’s like to not have a family, and those little humans shouldn’t have to start out life alone. It takes little effort on my part to donate an hour or two a week, and the reward is tremendous.”

She’s so energized talking about this, and I’m mesmerized. I haven’t been this fascinated by a woman outside the bedroom since Erin. Even with my ex, it never felt like this. I can see this woman as more than a quick fuck because I absolutely do want to fuck her, but I also want to know everything about her. She’s so damn smart, and funny and nerdy, and adorable. I could come up with a million more adjectives to describe her. She makes me smile when I should be miserable. She’s so fucking sexy and I’m in so much trouble.

When we get back to her place, she grabs some over the counter pain reliever while I text Grayson to let him know she’s in for the night.

“Tomorrow Joey will be assigned to you. I’ll be on the night shift if you need anything. Seven PM, I’m your man.” I slip my phone into my pocket and run my fingers through my hair feeling tense at the idea of leaving. “So I guess I’ll leave you to it. See you tomorrow night.”

I pause to study her, dragging my feet. She looks disappointed I’m about to leave. I take my keys from my pocket, fiddling with them to look busy.

I walk over, grabbing my phone charger I forgot I plugged in earlier at the countertop. “You must be hungry. Can I help you make dinner before I go? Your arm must be sore.”

“Oh. I was going to order something. You must be hungry too. Why don’t I order something for both of us? My treat.” She flashes me a hopeful look.

I contemplate for a moment. I worry about her opening the door to a stranger delivering food. It’s not really why I want to stay longer.

“That sounds great, but it’s my treat.” I slide my credit card across the counter toward her. “Order me the largest steak they have from Simmer,” I say before heading to check the perimeter and inspect the new security system.

When I enter the kitchen, Sam Smith’s smooth voice croons through the house, singing about how he’s not in love but stay with me anyway. Our hands brush while I’m helping her set the dishes out, making my heart rate speed up. Our awkward glances are interrupted when the food arrives.

“Would you like a glass of wine or a beer?”

“Whatever you’re having is fine.”

She grabs two beers from the fridge and takes a seat next to me.

“What the hell is that?” I shake my head when she opens her container of food.

I continue to stare at her, and she rolls her eyes at me before stabbing her fork into her meal.

“What? It’s kale with grilled chicken and vegetables.”

Her eyes keep darting over to my enormous steak as she chews her rabbit food.

“The camera puts an extra fifteen pounds on you. I’m already too curvy.”

“There’s no such thing as too curvy, and I happen to like your curves.”

Her cheeks heat as she takes a sip of her beer. “Right. Have you seen my ass?”

“Oh honey, I’ve seen your ass. I need a crowbar to tear my eyes away from it.”

She bites her bottom lip, and I fight the urge to take a bite myself.

“Would you like to taste my steak?”

I’d like to taste you.

“It does look delicious.” She licks her lips.

I cut a piece onto my fork and place it in her mouth.

“Mmmm, it’s amazing.” The sultry sound she makes vibrates straight to my groin, and now I’m wondering what kinds of moans she’d make if I bent her over this table and pounded her from behind.

She agrees to share my steak, but only if I try her salad. She giggles when I take a bite and make a face, and it’s all I can do to swallow it down.
