Page 14 of Safeguard

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The conversation is light during dinner until she drops the bombshell that her parents died in a car accident when she was thirteen. My heart breaks when her eyes fill up with tears.

“After that, I went to live with my Nanna.” She looks down to where I place my hand on her arm, and her breath stutters. “I have no family left. It’s sad to think about, and a little lonely, but...I try to remember the good times I had with them before they died, and how much they loved me.” She pauses for a few seconds, apparently needing to compose herself. “One day I’ll have a family of my own. My Nanna was a great woman. She took me in, no questions asked, after my parents were gone. I was her number one priority, and she dedicated her entire life to raising me. She passed away when I was in college.”

It pains me to think of her losing her parents at such a young age.

“I’m sorry about your parents, but it seems like your grandmother did a fine job raising you. You’re a strong, loving, independent woman.”

“Thank you.” She smiles shyly, and my heart pumps a little faster.

“My brother was also killed by a drunk driver.”

“Oh.” Her eyes glisten with tears as she listens to me describe how hard it was for my family and me.

“It shouldn’t have been him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was supposed to go help my Dad that night, and I pawned it off on my brother to go to some stupid party.” It should have been me.

“Chase,” she whispers my name. “I’m sorry that happened to you, but you have to know it’s not your fault.” I give her a little shoulder shrug.

She places her palm on my bicep. “Is that why you joined the military?”

“Pretty much. After my brother died, I was lost and didn’t know what to do with my life.” I continue telling her about my parents, but I’m too embarrassed for her to know I still live with them.

“I get the vibe you’re struggling since you’ve been home.”

You have no idea. “I’m working on things. I’ll survive.”

She studies me as if she can see right through me. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It was just dinner.”

“No. Thank you for everything. Thank you for caring so much. No one has in a long time. You’re a good guy.”

She stands and presses a delicate kiss on my cheek, and just that tiny innocent kiss sparks every nerve-ending in my body like a match. I’m trying to resist her. Trying to be a gentleman, but she’s making it excruciatingly hard. Everywhere.

After dinner, she attempts to wash the dishes with one hand, continually wincing in discomfort.

“Let me help you.” She shivers when I wrap my hand around her good wrist.

“You don’t need to—”

“Go. I got this,” I interrupt, still holding her wrist.

We hold each other’s gaze, way too long.

All I’d need to do is lean in, and my lips would be on hers. The woman has invaded my brain and become the lone star of my fantasies.

Just one kiss.

I need to taste her.

My reckless thoughts are interrupted by her ringing cell phone.

“I’ll get it,” she mutters motionless, compelled to stay right where she is.

I clear my throat and release her wrist. “Go ahead.”
