Page 56 of Safeguard

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“Whatever. Don’t care. Let’s go. I need to pee.”

We make it back to our table, and I’m disappointed Chase hasn’t returned yet. I pull out my phone and glance down at the screen to see if he sent a text, frowning when there’s nothing. I sigh, stuffing it back safely into my bra strap.

The waiter drops a plate of seared scallops in front of me, and I nearly turn green.

“Ah, can you take it away. Please,” I ask him politely, ignoring my friends furrowed brow.

“You love scallops.”

“I need some seltzer water,” I say, refusing to acknowledge her glare.

“You look terrible. Let me get it for you.”

“I’ll go with you. I need some air.”

I pick up my bag and follow her to the other end of the room where the bar is set up.

“Shit. There’s a long line,” Gabby mutters.

“Would you mind getting my drink? I’m going to get some fresh air,” I tell her, noticing the doors leading to the patio are open.

“Do you need me to come with you?” she asks with a concerned look.

“No, I’m fine. Just get my drink and I’ll be right here on the patio.”

I make my way out the open double French doors, happy to find the area empty. I slouch over the cool marble railing, supporting myself with my elbows, letting the fresh night air chill my skin. The cold sweats begin. Dammit, I thought I was feeling better, but I know I’m going to be sick again.

“Are you alright?” I jump, as my nausea is interrupted by a male voice standing behind me. I look up to see Charles or Chaz the liar standing there.

“I’m fine. Just needed some air.” I look away hoping if I ignore him he’ll go away.

“It’s good to see you, Melanie.” The hair on the back of my neck bristles from the way he speaks my name, or maybe it’s the way he’s gawking at me.

“Ah…yeah…you too,” I say, just before I lean over the railing to hurl.

After I finish expelling my demons, Charles helps me over to a marble bench. The smell of his cheap cologne is doing nothing to help my pitiful state. I’m embarrassed, but I decide I don’t care what this guy thinks.

“Are you here with someone?”

I don’t want to make conversation with him, so I keep my head down, avoiding eye contact. I have an unsettled feeling in my gut, and all I want to do is find Chase and go home.

“Uh…I’m here with my boyfriend.” He looks around for a minute, then shoots me an odd stare.

“I don’t see your bodyguard boyfriend now, Melanie.” He takes a seat next to me, placing his hand on my leg and I quickly jerk it away.

Wait, What? How does he know Chase is my bodyguard? Immediately, the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention.

“Why did you betray me, Melanie? You ruined everything.”

“Excuse me?” My brows snap together.

It takes a few seconds for his words to register in my muddled brain.

Then the light goes on.

Dread creeps in as awareness hits me like a neon sign blinking—danger—danger. My adrenaline spikes, alerting my body to get away, but I sit paralyzed. My heart rapidly beats as bile begins to rise in my throat. I wipe the sweat from my forehead with a shaking hand as the fear becomes overwhelming. Blood pounds in my ears, and I know I have to get away and find Chase.

I take a deep breath and decide to make a run for it, but it’s too late. I stumble and land on my knees trying to make my escape. The next thing I feel is a sudden, sharp pain in my neck, and the lights go out.
