Page 25 of Heart

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It’s Luke I’m thinking about right now as I sit on the edge of my bed, staring at this stupid pregnancy test Harper insisted on bringing over here this morning. I’ve been ignoring what I already know to be true. So I decide to pee on the damn thing, leaving it on the bathroom sink to deal with later when I’m alone.Alone!I raised one child on my own, and I’ll figure out how to do it again. For now, I want to enjoy this beautiful day.

So much has happened since Luke left. Ashley is out of the hospital and feeling stronger every day. The transplant seems to have been a success, though she still has a long road to recovery ahead of her. We will have to wait a few months to make sure she’s entirely in the clear. Last week, the doctor gave her clearance to go back to school, and Ashley broke down with tears of joy.

I know Ashley and Luke have been secretly communicating through text messages, and I’m pretty sure she’s been playing Xbox with him late at night when she’s supposed to be asleep. She and I will have a conversation about that later. Not that I care if she talks to him, I want them to have a relationship, but it’s beneficial for her to get proper rest right now—not stay up all hours of the night playing video games.

Today I’m just going to enjoy this moment, and the permanent smile spread across my daughter’s face. Ashley’s formal dance is today, and I’m having trouble holding back the tears at the fact she is well enough to go.

“Jesus, Sarah, how do you not have a migraine right now?” Harper complains, as she hands off a can of hairspray to one of the girls like a baton, before taking a huge gulp from her wine glass.

Harper and I shopped with Ashley all day last Saturday and found the perfect dress for the occasion. Ashley enters the room in pale blue, chiffon and lace, looking just like a storybook princess. I fight back the tears. Throwing my arms around her, I hug her tight.

“Okay, Mom, don’t mess up my hair.”

I take a step back, holding her at arm’s length, wanting to admire her some more. “I can’t help it. You look beautiful.” I stifle the sobs and squeeze her again.

“Hey, who’s cleaning up this mess?” Harper chimes in, noticing I’m on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

My house is currently in complete disarray as Ashley and three of her friends get ready for the evening, but I don’t care. I smile at the clothing tornado and makeup bomb that seems to have gone off in my living room. The girls continue getting ready, squealing and giggling as they run through the house like Tasmanian devils.I revel in it.

“Did you take it?” Harper whispers. I plop down on the couch and twist the cap off my water bottle, frowning at the mess I’ll need to clean later.

“We’re not talking about this right now, Harper,” I say dismissively, hoping she’s unable to read my face, since I’ve already taken a peek at the results. “We’ll deal with it later. Right now, I want to get some pictures of the girls before we leave.”

I’m borrowing Harper's minivan to drive them to the dance since my car is too small. One of the other mom’s will pick them up once the dance is over. There are no boys involved in the festivities, thank God because these ladies are way too young and I’m just not ready for that yet. Ashley informed me that everyone at school is going as friends, but I hear the whispers from the girls about which boys they hope to dance with.

“Okay, ladies, stand together and give me some beautiful smiles.” Harper leads the girls in front of the tiny flower garden outside the house. I’m curious about the cryptic looks that keep passing between Harper and Ashley. It’s like they’re harboring some secret evil plan.

“I’d like to get a picture with Ashley and me,” I insist, noticing the girls are already losing interest in picture time. Harper snaps a few more, and I’m about to head inside and grab the car keys when a black stretch limo pulls up in front of the house.

My eyebrows draw together, and I can’t ignore the deviously knowing looks that pass between Harper and Ashley. The giggles from the other girls tell me something is going on, and they all seem to be in on it. I’m pretty sure my jaw is hanging on the ground when Luke steps out from the back of the limo, and I can’t contain the girly flutterings I get when he stalks straight toward me.


Sarah’s frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, a beautiful, sexy deer, as I march up to her. I stand in front of her, blocking the sun from her eyes, and she gasps just before I cup her face and seal my lips over hers.God, how I missed those lips.I lift her feet off the ground as we drown in the kiss, forgetting where we are until I hear the giggles and Harper clears her throat.

“Luke, what the hell?” Sarah exclaims breathless, when I put her down and break the kiss.

“We have some things to settle.”

“Luke, I don’t think…”

I put my finger to her lips, stopping her words. “We’re going to settle this once and for all, but first we need to get these young ladies into the limo and off to their first dance.”

I step over to my daughter and give her a big hug and kiss. “Hi, Angel, you look beautiful.” Her cheeks blush, and she smiles brightly.

“Luke, the girls are not going in a limo. I’m driving them.” Four teenagers groan in unison. “The dance is ten blocks away, for crying out loud. I can’t send them in a limo, without their parents’ permission.”

“Already taken care of, Sunshine.” I turn to Harper, and she shoots me wink.

Sarah scowls at Harper and me as awareness begins to dawn on her face. “Harper!”If looks could kill.

“Sorry, not sorry! Time to go, ladies.” Harper claps her hands together and leads everyone to the limo. Ashley sprints back to us, as the other girls pile into the car with Harper. She wraps her arms around me and then Sarah. Tears well in Sarah’s eyes as she watches them pull away, then her expression hardens as she turns back to me.

Swiftly, I’m being tugged by the arm of my suit jacket, as Sarah leads me into the house. “Seriously, Luke, what the hell are you doing here?” She frowns, backing up to put some space between us.

“I’m here to tell you how things are going to be.” Every step I take toward her, she takes a step backward until her back is against the wall. “Baby, I’m here to tell you I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’ve been hurting so badly. I screwed up when I let you go fourteen years ago. I’m telling you now—I’ll never let you go again.”

“Luke I—” I don’t let her continue as I cage her against the wall. “Luke, this is not going to work. You live in California and…” I press my fingertip to her lips.
