Page 38 of Sicilian Sunset

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As I’ve already had my fair share of cannoli, Tiero convinces me to give the traditional cassata siciliana a try, and it doesn’t disappoint. The little round sponge cake, moistened with fruit juice and layered with ricotta cheese and candied fruit, is truly divine. Though it’s the marzipan shell that does it for me. Like every good Austrian, or half Austrian in my case, I love marzipan.

Conversation flows easily, just like on our car ride. My previous trepidations are forgotten as all of us laugh and flirt. Especially after the second glass of bubbly, I’m relaxed and at ease, enjoying the evening tremendously.

Over dinner, Zoe zeroes in her attention on Mateo, while at the same time making Romeo feel like a star. She’s got the multi-tasking of men perfected, the three of them steeling meaningful glances at each other throughout the night. Seems like she’s on course for that threesome.

Tiero seems amused, while Rhia watches her little sister with fascination. She hasn’t really seen her in action before. Until this trip, they’ve spent little time together outside their family’s activities.

Growing up, Rhia always adored her older brother Connor, worshipping the ground he walked on. And it was the same for him—he’s so protective of Rhia. I tease them both about it. To this day, they’re thick as thieves.

Those two share a connection I always envied when I was little, wanting the same for myself. I begged my mother for a sibling for years, but she would just point out it wouldn’t be the same for me, given the huge age gap. In the end, I relented. Not that I had much choice. Rhia became like a sister to me, and we’ve been inseparable from the day we first met.

Maybe that’s why she never bonded much with Zoe. She had me and Connor.

Zoe was always the annoying little sister who would get in the way. They argued a lot, and as teenagers, avoided each other like the plague. As we’ve been getting older, I know their relationship—or lack thereof—has been bothering Rhia. I’m proud of her for trying to heal their rift, even when Zoe isn’t making it easy for her.

Shortly after we finished our dessert, Mateo suggests a visit to a nearby club. Zoe and Rhia’s faces light up with delight while I grimace—I hate clubbing. It’s too loud and crowded for my liking.

“No thanks, Mateo. Clubs are not my scene, but you guys go without me. Just don’t forget that the bus for our Mount Etna tour is picking us up at nine o’clock,” I remind them.

“Shoot. I had already forgotten about that,” Rhia laughs.

She normally enjoys pubs more than clubs, but occasionally she likes to let loose on the dancefloor. Tonight, I suspect she wants to go along to keep an eye on Zoe and give me alone time with Tiero, the conniving little devil.

“Rhi, are you sure you don’t want to come back with me?” I ask, hoping she’ll change her mind and won’t abandon me.

A devious smile pulls at her lips. “Yeah, I’m sure. I feel like dancing tonight.”

“Don’t worry, Ella,” Mateo chimes in, “I make sure your friends are back in time.”

He grins like the cat that ate the canary, and there’s no doubt in my mind about what his plans are. Let’s hope they go to his place, otherwise I doubt I’ll get any sleep.

If Zoe is anything like her sister, she’s going to be vocal. Rhia and Lex have had so many noise complaints from neighbors, they ended up buying an apartment that covers an entire floor and has soundproof walls.

I pull Rhia aside. “How will you get back to the hotel given what’s going to happen with them?” I pointedly look at her sister, who’s in deep, flirtatious conversation with the two Italian gods surrounding her.

“Don’t worry about me, El. I’ll get back to the hotel just fine on my own. You enjoy your time with Tiero.” Looking over at him, she licks her lips. “He’s delicious and so into you. Make the most of it. Opposite Ella, remember?”

“Some friend you are. Abandoning me like this,” I complain, making her laugh.

“I’ve only got your best interest at heart.” She hugs me and makes her way over to the others, waving her fingertips at me as she goes.


Tiero is standing with his brother. They hug, slapping each other on the back. Mateo says something, grinning broadly, and then looks at me. Tiero’s gaze follows, a warm smile on his face. I feel like I’ve been caught eavesdropping and quickly avert my eyes.

Jeez, what was that all about?

Tiero walks towards me, while the other four disappear into the waiting SUV for what I’m sure will be a night of sexy fun for three of them. Knowing Zoe, she won’t get much sleep tonight. Let’s hope she’ll be able to climb the volcano tomorrow. Then again, she’ll probably just ditch us.

As they drive off, Tiero proposes a walk by the sea, which is just a street away from the restaurant.

If I’m being honest with myself, I’m glad he suggested it. I’m not ready for the night to end yet.

My earlier nerves have settled, undoubtedly helped by the slight buzz I have going. Not used to drinking much, the glass of champagne and later the two bottles of wine we all shared, have me feeling relaxed and at ease.

“Where does Mateo live?” I ask.

“He has a few places. He likes to rotate around. His main residence is here in Catania. He likes to be close to the office. He’s got another in Palermo and one in Rome,” Tiero tells me.
