Page 27 of A New Dawn

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If it was possible, Riley’s face turns even redder. “I can’t find it.”

“Find what?” I ask innocently.

“Your phone, silly. And there’s obviously something playing,” she replies, frazzled. “I must have bumped it when I shuffled things around.”

“Have you been naughty? Does Major need to bring out his whip?”

“Oh my god.” Riley gasps, clearly embarrassed. This should be interesting. What kind of kink is Joe into?

“Let’s find the porn and my phone,” I suggest. “Best it’s not playing when we get to the rental desk, eh.”

I try to turn and slide my body through the seats but realize quickly that I will never fit. I can’t even get my legs out from under the steering wheel.

Getting out of the car and moving the seat isn’t an option either. It’s still pissing with rain, the wind whipping it against this rice bubble of a car as we sit here on the road verge.

Riley slides back in between the seats, and I unapologetically ogle her divine derrièrewhile she’s distracted.

“Ha, there it is,” she triumphantly calls from the back and then spreads her knees to fit her hand between her legs to hand me my phone.

Fuck! Why did she have to do that? Now my mind is ablaze. My phone got between her legs before I could. God, I’d love to make her moan.

All in good time.

How often have I reminded myself of that today already?

She lowers herself again, that pert ass electrifying the air as she rummages through bags on the backseat floor. More moans and groans fill the air and not even the rain noise on the roof can drown them out.

“Have you hit the volume button, Sunshine?” I tease.

“No!” she immediately shouts back, and I imagine her beautiful face turning crimson again.

“Got it,” she finally announces, moving herself back into her seat, dragging a small bag onto her lap. “But there’s a lock on it. Damn, we can’t stop it.”

“Here, let me have a look,” I offer, turning the bag to face me.

“It’s just a cheap luggage lock. We were trained in the army to pick these.”


“No! But if you pull hard enough, they’ll open. If you push them back together, they kind of hold… sometimes.”

Inspecting the bag, I can’t find any other way to get it open.Joe has taken precautionsI think to myself, enjoying the pun.

From the audio comes a sudden cracking sound. “Geez, what do you reckon that was?” I ask.

“Sounded like a whip,” Riley replies, a little shocked. “Is he really whipping her?”

“If he is, I’m sure it’s consensual. She probably loves it.” More whipping sounds and loud moans fill the air.

“I got the lock apart,” I tell Riley as I open the bag and pull out a camcorder. “Here it is.” I hold it up for her to see.

“The on-off button isn’t working!” I press it several times, but nothing happens.

“Does it have a touchscreen? Perhaps you can stop it on there? Open it up,” Riley suggests. “Are you prepared for what you might see?”

“Not really,” I joke. “But what other choice do we have? Unless you just want to let it play out till the end.” I wink at her. “This could go on for hours.”

Riley groans, the sound traveling straight to my cock. “God no! Turn if off!”
