Page 28 of A New Dawn

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Opening the flap, I’m stunned by what I see. “What the hell?” I stare at the screen as my laughter bubbles up.

“What?” Riley’s curiosity is piqued, and she leans over the center console to have a look. Her mouth falls open just as a riding crop hits what I presume is Sue’s ass. “Neigghhh, neigghhh,” comes from the video.

“You’ve been very naughty, so that’s for misbehaving, my little Muff Diver.” The crop hits her ass again. “And that one’s for kicking at your Major.”

Muff Diver? Major? Really, guys?

“Is this Sue?” Riley asks with wide eyes. “Oh my god, she’s really dressed up as a… a horse.” I laugh at her expression of disbelief.

“We should turn it off,” Riley says firmly.

She’s right; I feel like a voyeur in their private scene. I press the buttons on the display but the video keeps playing. This device has a mind of its own. “That button isn’t working either,” I reply.

“There’ll be a power button somewhere on the screen. I can see it there.”

I lean over so she can reach the camcorder and accidentally brush my knuckles against her breast. She pretends nothing happened, but it doesn’t escape my notice how her breath halts, her fingers slightly shaking as she presses a button on the screen. It goes black, and she quickly moves away.

Shame, I enjoy being so close to her, her apple and vanilla scent infiltrating my senses. Yep, still smells like home.

I open the bag again to put the camera back and am rewarded with an even more impressive find.

There, in the bag, are Sue’s hoofs.

Yes, I said hoofs.

“They are taking this dress up seriously, aren’t they?” Riley exclaims, both fascinated and distant, as if captured by the images she must be conjuring in her mind.

“Look and there’s her tail. Is that real horsehair?” I ask.

I go to smell it, but Riley stops me.

“Don’t. You don’t know where that’s been… actually, no, we do.” She chuckles.

“All right, let’s just put it all back.”

I push the lock back together, and Riley drops the bag over the backseat. It sets the video off again.

“Noooo!” she groans.

“Look Muff Diver, I’m putting fresh hay on your bed. In case you get hungry when I’m fucking the hell out of your little pony arse.”

“Oh my god. She has a hay bed?!” Riley covers her mouth in disbelief. This is getting better and better. She reaches over the back of the seat to retrieve the bag again.

Sue is moaning away and Joe is huffing and puffing, the groaning punctuated with the rhythmical slapping of skin on latex…?

“Oooooouuucchhhhhhh,” Joe shrieks.

We both cock our heads to the side as the volume suddenly drops and we can’t make out the dialogue.

Riley tries to stifle her laughter. “Holy shit! Quick, open the bag again.”

Picking the lock a second time, we retrieve the camera and open the screen display.

“Naughty horse. You stood on Major Bona’s toes. You know, I’m going to have to punish you for that,” regales Joe as he pulls back on her bridle.

Riley’s eyes go comically wide and I’m literally beside myself.

“Take out the battery. Quickly,” she nearly yells. “I’ve heard enough.”
