Page 58 of Final Drive

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Then a voice called out with a familiar Texas twang. “I’ll be damned. That you, rookie?”

Oh, fuck.

Brody Carter chuckled as he approached. His Husky, Luna, tugged on the leash until she was close enough to put her paws up on the bench and lick my face.

“I don’t know if you can still call himrookie,” said his wife, Taylor. Her crimson hair was a flash of color on the otherwise white landscape. “Luke’s leading the team in catches, receiving yards, touchdowns…”

“All right, all right, you don’t need to go remindin’ me that I’m over the hill,” Brody said. “I’ll stop calling him rookie when the season’s over. What are you doing out so late, partner?”

Hurry up and move on.Out loud, I said, “Just getting some fresh air.”

“Where’s your shadow?” Taylor asked.

It took me a second to realize he meant Cazzie. “I didn’t want to wake her.”

Brody and his wife shared a look. “You sure that’s a good idea? Kind of pointless to have a bodyguard if you leave her at home. Like buyin’ a new pair of ostrich leather cowboy boots and never taking them out of the closet.”

I frantically thought of an excuse that would also make them leave. “After the game today, I realized we’re actually going to the Super Bowl. It all sort of hit me at once while I was trying to go to sleep. I won’t stay out long, but I needed a moment by myself. Alone.”

Brody smirked. “I know the feeling. I get all squirrelly after a game, too. Sometimes it’s good to relax and be by your lonesome.” He shook my hand. “Enjoy it, partner. And don’t stay out too late.”

“I promise.” I gave Luna a few more pets, and then the three of them continued on their walk. I relaxed when they rounded the corner by the road and disappeared from sight.

A voice behind me growled, “Your note said you’d be alone.”



I didn’t recognize the voice. It wasn’t the man who had growled in my ear in the parking garage, nor the one who threatened me with the gun in my apartment. I glanced over my shoulder but couldn’t see him through the bushes. Every muscle in my body tensed, my fight-or-flight instinct trying to figure out what was the best option. I forced myself to relax.

“I am alone.”

“Except for yourfucking teammateand his cheerleader wife. You expect me to think that was a fucking coincidence?”

“That’s exactly what it was. Did you hear the conversation? They were as surprised to see me as I was to see them. I came alone.”

“Why should I believe that this isn’t a trap?” he demanded.

“You’ll have to trust me,” I replied. “You must to some degree, since you came.”

The bushes rustled, and the man emerged. He was wearing a white N95 mask and a Braves baseball cap. He sat on the next bench over, not bothering to wipe the snow off.

“Who are you?” I asked. “You’re not my attacker.”

The man snorted, which sent puffs of white out of the edges of his mask. “I’m not?”

“Your voice is different. And you’re shorter.” I shook my head. “Are there more than one of you? Is that it?”

“You ask too many questions. But suffice to say, I’m the one who has had it out for you.” The man spread his arms. “I’m right here, Luke. This is your chance to get even. I don’t even have a weapon. If you want to make a move, go ahead.”

The instinct to tackle him, to feel my fist connect with his cheek, was overpowering. If what he said was true, this was the man who had threatened me. Worse, he was the man who had threatened my family, and Cazzie. I wanted to throw caution to the wind and let my fists do the talking.

I let out a deep breath and said, “I’m not here to fight. I’m here to talk.”

Behind me, a second man chuckled. “Wise choice.”

I whirled.That’s the voice. Raspy and deep. There was a shadow between the trees, crouched low. He shifted, and the metal of a handgun reflected the moonlight.
