Page 68 of Final Drive

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The next hour was a blur. Someone procured a case of champagne and we all toasted while the on-field ceremonies commenced. Dallas Lockett and Luke August were named co-MVPs of the game, which meant they both won a brand new GMC Truck. The Lombardi Trophy was presented, and then a member of the stadium security was escorting us down onto the field along with all the other families.

I let Luke’s family run forward and hug him first. They had known him longer than I had, after all. He hugged all three sisters individually, then let both of his moms squeeze him between them at the same time. Mom cradled his head in her hands and told him how proud she was. Momma, who was normally more reserved and stoic, was bawling her eyes out and couldn’t speak.

Then Luke was grinning at me, and we came together in a magnetic embrace. We held each other for several seconds, not needing to say a word to each other.

“You didn’t take a knee,” I finally said. “You could have taken a knee at the one-yard line and run the clock out. Instead, you scored a touchdown, which gave the ball back to the Vikings.”

Luke shrugged. “I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted that final Super Bowl touchdown. Besides, I would hate to upset any fans who needed that touchdown to ensure the Stallions covered the point spread.”

I let out a surprised laugh. “I doubt any fans would get upset about that.”

“You’re probably right,” he admitted. “Fans wouldneverget so angry with me that they threaten my life, forcing the team to hire a bodyguard to protect me at all times, who I slowly fall in love with. That’s so unlikely that I would bet my life that—”

I shut him up with a kiss.



It was a strange feeling having all of my career aspirations fulfilled in the blink of an eye. One moment, we were hanging onto our lead by a thread. The next, I was diving into the end-zone and giving my team a permanent lead on the biggest stage there was.

The validation didn’t sink in until the awards were handed out and my family joined us on the field. Hugging my moms was when I finally began to get choked up. Most NFL players never got to play in the Super Bowl, let alone win it. The average career length in this sport was under four years. After one season, I had gotten here, performed amazingly, and won co-MVP with my quarterback.

I’m so lucky. I glanced at Cazzie, who was hugging Momma.In so many ways.

After the game, we went out on the town to celebrate. The entire Stallions team took over bar after bar, ordering drinks for everyone and dancing like there was no tomorrow. I saw a side of my sisters I had never seen before—especially the usually stoic Blair, who was shaking her ass toBaby Got Backlike the song had been written about her.

The bars stayed open long past last call. Nobody wanted the party to end, and bartenders certainly weren’t going to kick out a room full of NFL players. We were drunk on victory, and alcohol, and life.

It was four in the morning when Cazzie and I stumbled back to her apartment. I was exhausted, but neither of us were ready to fall asleep just yet. We were all over each other the moment we walked into the bedroom, tearing our clothes off and coupling on the floor because we didn’t make it to the bed. It was fast, and rough, and frantic, and both of us were crying out with sweet release within minutes.

I stayed inside her as we kissed, then began moving my hips again. I was still as hard as a rock, and knew it wasn’t going away any time soon. Cazzie pulled back and frowned at me. “You’re ready to go again so soon?”

“Tonight?” I grinned wolfishly. “You bet.”

This time I carried her to the bed and made love to her slowly. Like we had all the time in the world. Her hands explored my body, appreciating every inch of me while I steadily drove into her again and again. Our lips never unlocked; we were both so hungry for each other, the perfect ending to an already amazing day. Making love to the woman I loved wasalmostbetter than winning the Super Bowl.

As we cuddled after, I thought about how constantly amazed I was by this woman. Seeing her with my family today had loosened something in my gut. She got along with all of them, which is more than I could say for my past girlfriends. She belonged. Shefitinto my life in a way that shocked me.

Which is why I need to bring up the elephant in the room.

“Have you thought about Berlin?” I asked.

“You mean the land of Pickelhaubes and defenestration?”

“I’m being serious,” I said softly.

She let out a long sigh. It was dark, and I wished I could see her expression. “I keep going back and forth. I don’t want to turn down an opportunity like that. It’s the kind of job I’ve always dreamed of. Yet if I turned it down, I’m afraid I would resent you for it.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of, too,” I admitted. “What makes Berlin your dream job?”

“Lots of things. It’s a long-term contract, which would be a welcome change from the month-long jobs I’ve had before getting assigned to you. I would get to travel. Not just to Germany, but everywhere the Finance Minister goes. I like the idea of visiting new cities several times a month. We only have one life, and I want toexperiencethings, you know?”

“I do know,” I replied.

She raised up onto one elbow to look at me. “Are you upset that I’m still on the fence?”

