Page 69 of Final Drive

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“You’re not taking it personally that I’m reluctant to give up this job for you?”

“I can relate. I wouldn’t give upmyjob to move to Germany with you.”

She smiled, and kissed me, but I could tell she was worried about the whole thing.

Which is when I came up with an idea.

We flew back to Salt Lake City, since Cazzie still had a week left on this contract. I spent two days planning and making phone calls. Then on Thursday, I told the woman I loved that I needed to swing by the Stallions practice facility to pick up some things.

“I want to pop upstairs to talk to the GM,” I said. “Wanna come with me, in case I get attacked along the way?”

She widened her stance. “I’ll tackle anyone who tries to get within five feet of the famous Luke August.”

We giggled and went upstairs together. The GM’s office was smaller than someone of his position should have had, with whiteboards covering three walls filled with information on the player draft and potential free agent signings. “Good, you’re here,” he said when we walked inside. “Close the door.”

Cazzie frowned at me. “He was expecting us?”

“Did you not tell her?” the GM asked me.

“I wanted her to hear it from you.”

“Hear what?” she asked.

The GM handed her a piece of paper. “That’s a chart showing the number of social media threats our players have received in the last five years. Anything from vague threats, to specific promises of violence. As you can see, it has doubled every year. That, paired with what Mr. August here went through this year, has convinced us to expand our security department. We’re hiring a dozen Special Security Officers who will be responsible for player safety around the clock. Monitoring social media threats, accompanying players to public events, and anything else where they might need security.”

“I…” Cazzie smiled politely. “I’m not sure I want to be one of twelve security officers.”

“Oh, you wouldn’t be one of the officers,” the GM said. “We would be offering you the position of Director of Security. You would be in charge of the twelve Special Security Officers, along with the hundred or so other security guards that we employ during every home game. You would travel with the team on all road games as well. That includes the game we’re playing in London next year. It’s a salary position, withverycompetitive pay and benefits.”

She glanced at me. “You got me a job?” She almost seemed annoyed by the idea.

“This was a position we were already creating, regardless of your situation,” the GM replied. “Luke just happened to ask me about it while we were finalizing the details. Make no mistake, you’re not being handed this position. You will have to apply for it along with any other candidates.”

“You’ll have to earn the job on your own merits,” I told her. “But you have a good idea for security. You’ve proven that. I can’t imagine anyone with better hands-on experience than you.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for a desk job,” she admitted. “I still enjoy being a personal bodyguard, out in the field. I would go crazy if all I had to do all day waspaperwork.”

“That’s the beauty of being director,” the GM said. “You can do whatever you want. If there’s a specific threat, you can assign yourself to that player. You’ll have complete autonomy to run the department as you see fit. The only person you’ll report to is Kenneth MacMillan himself, and he’s pretty hands-off, as far as owners go.”

I saw Cazzie begin to think about it.Reallythink about it. Her walls came down and a huge smile spread across her face. Then she turned and threw herself into my arms.

“Does this mean you’ll apply for the position?” I asked.

“DUH!” she replied.

The GM nodded. “Good. I’ll send over the job application this afternoon.”

We walked out of the office and got in the elevator. Cazzie immediately kissed me again. “This job is perfect. It’s even better than Berlin.”

“And the best part?” I said. “There’s no pressure on our relationship. If we break up, you’ll still have this job. It might be awkward seeing me around the stadium, but still…”

She grinned up at me. “I have a feeling we’re going to last a lot longer than this job.”

I smiled back at her. “Me, too.”


