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“Right. Illegal stuff.” I nod. “But how do people find you to hire you?”

He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet, and hands me a business card. It’s all black with white lettering. There’s a phone number, email address, and a number eight in the corner.

“Each of my guys has a stack of these cards with a number linked to them. When someone contacts us, we ask for their number and cross check. If someone has one of our cards, they know what they’re doing and who they’re working with.”

“I see.”

“Are you uncomfortable with those answers?”

I stop and look up at him while I think about it. The man I know Lake to be is fair and kind, loyal and protective. It strikes me at this moment that I have a pretty clear choice. I can go all in and give them my full trust, or I can bide my time before leaving. Looking up into his rugged face I don’t think I could walk away.

“I’m not,” I say with certainty.

The smile I get in return is just as blinding as the sun and warms parts of me I thought long dead.

* * *

“Hey,” I say as I walk into the kitchen six hours after I laid down to take what I meant to be a short nap. The sun has already set, and Lake has a fire roaring in the fireplace.

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Lake looks at me with humor dancing in his eyes. “Are you hungry?”

Right on cue, my stomach growls. “I could eat.”

“Good, I made some tomato soup and I have everything for grilled cheese. Does that sound good?”

“Oh my God, I haven’t had grilled cheese in years. Yes, please.”

I noticed during my shower today that even though I’ve only been with the guys for a few days I’m already looking healthier. My bruises are mostly fading, aside from the ones on my side and I got out of bed after my nap with no pain.

I sit down at the island and settle in to watch Lake cook. He’s still in the same clothes he had on earlier, and I again shamelessly appreciate his physique. It’s obvious that he spends a lot of time doing physical work, be it at the gym or doing who knows what for work. I was never into hugely muscled men before, but the appeal is definitely now apparent. Even more attractive than his muscles is the fact that he moves around the kitchen like a man used to cooking, something I greatly appreciate as a terrible cook myself.

“You done checking me out yet?” He smirks over his shoulder at me while he flips our sandwiches.

“No, I think I’ll keep doing it.” I don’t even think before letting the words pass my lips.

He chuckles and turns back to me. “I’m glad you’re getting more comfortable with me.”

“Me too, with everyone again, really.” Except Grant. I feel my smile falter at that thought.

“Don’t worry about Grant.” Lake somehow reads my mind.

“I can’t help it. It hurts.”

“I know, but I promise you that he’s not upset that you’re back. It’s other stuff he’s got going on. Try not to let it bother you.”

“Too late. He looks at me like my existence in his life is a burden.”

“You are not a burden. For any of us.” He turns and starts plating the food.

“Do you need any help with anything?”

“No, I think I can handle it. This isn’t exactly five-star fine dining.” He sets a plate with the grilled cheese and a bowl of soup down in front of me. “Eat up.”

He walks over and sits down beside me. We eat in silence for a while, soaking up the peace of a comforting meal with a crackling fire in the other room. The silence bothers me though, it reminds me of all the times I was locked away.

“What’s going on up there?” He taps my temple lightly.

“You sure you want to know?” I don’t want to drag down the light feelings from the day with my dark history.
