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“Hmmm.” Nolan scratches his chin and looks at each of us. “That’s a great question.”

“How about whoever wins chooses everything for the rest of the day? What we do. What we eat. What we watch.”

“Yeah.” Nolan’s grin is slow and devious. “I like it.”

“I’ll like it even more when I win.” Sawyer’s smile is just as mischievous. “Sorry Liv, you’re going down.”

“We’ll see about that.” I smile back at them in challenge as I walk to my pile of snowballs. “I might surprise you.”

“I don’t know, Lake told me you can’t aim for shit. Actually,” Nolan says, turning to Sawyer. “Neither can you.”

“Snowballs and bullets are two totally different things.” Sawyer stands tossing a snowball up and down in his gloved palm. “You’re going down, Thorne.”

“That’s the plan,” Nolan says with a heated look at me.

I’m so glad that the wind has already turned my exposed skin rosy because I can feel the blush from my forehead down to my toes. I’ve forgotten how blatant and crass Nolan can be when it comes to his flirtation and desire for me. I’ve also forgotten how much I love it.

“On three,” Sawyer says and starts counting down.

I shriek and cover my face when the countdown ends and they both take aim at me. Their laughter fills the air as they continue to pelt me with snowballs. I finally reach down and grab some of my supply and start throwing. Unfortunately for me, Nolan was correct, I have awful aim and need to dart closer to land any.

They’re currently focused on each other, so I run up to Nolan while his back is turned and shove two snowballs down the collar of his shirt. His yelp of surprise has me laughing like I haven’t laughed in years. It also sends me running to hide behind Sawyer.

He clearly underestimates my level of sneakiness because he doesn’t notice when I reach down and grab two of his snowballs. Nolan notices me going straight for Sawyer’s back and distracts him with an assault from the front. Sawyer also yells with surprise as the cold snow falls down his shirt, but he’s able to grab me around the waist before I can run away.

I burst into laughter as he takes a snowball from the ground and shoves it down the front of my shirt. The snow settles inside my bra sending goosebumps across my body. I can’t stop laughing though, even when Nolan grabs the back of my leggings and drops a snowball inside. He follows it up with smack, smashing the ball against my ass and making me gasp in between laughter.

“No fair!” I squeal when I see Nolan coming back for another round. “You can’t team up against me.”

“We like tag teaming,” Sawyer whispers against my neck as Nolan pushes into me from the back.

I still at the rasp in his voice and the feeling of being pressed between the two of them. Heat seeps through my body, and it’s not from their proximity. Then just as soon as I feel like I might overheat, they both crush snowballs over my head. With that, I effectively lose the fight, but in the end I think I might win. Especially as I watch them throw snowballs at each other until there are none left.

Nolan launches himself at Sawyer, taking him to the ground. They wrestle around like a couple of kids in a playground fight. Sawyer is stronger, but Nolan is faster, and in the end, speed wins out over strength. I walk over to help them up, and they pull me down to the ground between them where we make snow angels.

After a few minutes, Nolan leads us over to a hill with some sleds. I almost don’t want to go down the hill, it’s so stark white and sparkly in the sun. I can’t believe how great the weather has been for us up here. Snow overnight but bright blue skies during the day.

There are only two sleds, so sometimes I ride with Sawyer and sometimes with Nolan. It’s actually not too bad when I don’t have to haul the sled back up the hill. I’m starting to feel the effects of the wind and snow, especially the snow that’s dampened my clothes under the coat and winter gear I’m wearing.

Nolan looks at me at the bottom of the hill after our last ride and does a double take.

“Your lips are turning blue, Livvy. Let’s go in.”

“Sounds good.” I shiver.

“Sawyer can make us some hot chocolate while you change clothes.” Nolan smirks at Sawyer, clearly on a power trip having won the snowball fight. “Or you can take a bath or shower and warm that way first.”

“I’ll be fine just changing into something dry.”

We trudge back to the house, each of the guys carrying a sled under his arm that they prop against the side of the garage. I start to open the patio door, but I remember the fear from last night and stop just shy of it.

“I’ll go first,” Sawyer murmurs as he opens the door. “Wait for Nolan, just in case.”

“What’s up?” Nolan comes around the corner just in time to see the end of our exchange.

“I just got spooked remembering last night, nothing is wrong.”

“Understood.” He nods and wraps an arm around my shoulders before leading me inside. “We’ll all be together the rest of the day. How does leftover pizza sound for lunch?”
