Page 110 of Broken King

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“Oh my God. I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I’m crying. What’s wrong with me?” I stand and grab a tissue from Belle’s desk, then turn back to her. “I’m a mom.”

She stands and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Oh, Scarlet. You are definitely a mom. The girls came home from preschool a few weeks ago and reported to me that Brynlee told everyone in class she has a new mommy who’s the best mommy ever.”

I try to dry my eyes and sniff back my tears, but it’s not working.

I laugh through my tears. “I can’t stop crying.”

“It’s the hormones. This next month, they’ll be awful.” She hands me the entire box of tissues, and we both burst into uncontrollable laughter.

And to my absolute horror, I think I just peed.

“Oh my God, Annabelle. I’m so sorry.” I look down at the damp spot on my pants and want to die of embarrassment. “I think I just peed.” I look back down, and it’s not stopping.

“Uh, Scarlet... That’s not pee. Your water just broke.” She reaches over to the bag sitting on the floor and fishes out her keys. “You’re having the baby. We’ve got to go to the hospital.”

“What? No. I’ve still got another month. I can’t have the baby. Her crib hasn’t even come in yet.” Annabelle grabs my bag and hands me my phone.

“Call Cade.”

I do as she says and hang up when he doesn’t answer. Then I call Imogen, praying she’s at Crucible.

She answers after two rings. “Hey, Scarlet. What’s up?”

“My water just broke, and your brother’s not answering his phone.” I plant both feet and double over in pain. “Shit. That’s a contraction.”

“Oh my God. The baby’s coming!” Jesus. Imogen squeals so loud, I think she may have popped my eardrum.

I breathed through what I was sure were Braxton-Hicks contractions earlier today. “Imogen. Tell Cade to meet us at the hospital. I need you to come to the dance studio and pick up Brynlee. Annabelle’s taking me to the hospital.” The contraction lessens, and I can finally breathe again. “Hurry.” I drop the phone back in my bag and grab onto Belle’s arm as she helps me walk through the hall.

Belle stops in front of the girls’ dance class, then asks Maddie to come out. “Scarlet’s in labor. One of Brynlee’s aunts is coming to get her at the end of class. I’m going with her, and I’ll call Lexi and ask her to come get Evie and Gracie.”

“Whose Lexi?” I’m not sure why I ask. It’s probably because I’m in denial this is actually happening today. I’m not ready. I slide into Belle’s SUV and cringe as my now-wet pants stick to my legs and her leather seats.

Belle starts the car. “Lexi’s my nanny. She’s amazing.”

“You have a nanny?” I’m not sure why that’s so shocking.

The car takes a sharp right, and I don’t think we even stopped at the red light we just flew by. “Hell yes, I have a nanny. I have three babies and a teenager. Declan and I both work. I couldn’t imagine my life without her.”

“Don’t you worry about missing everything?”

The car behind us beeps as we zoom through a yellow light, and Belle gives someone the finger. “Lexi is a huge help. But she’s not me. I make sure I don’t miss more than I have to. You can’t be everything to everyone without help. You’ll burn out, and then you won’t be any good to anyone. You’ve got to be able to take care of yourself too. You can’t drink from an empty cup.”

Shit. I gasp and clutch my stomach. “Oh, God. This hurts.” I breathe through the contraction and check the time.

The next one comes only five minutes later.

And luckily, we’re pulling up to the hospital.

Cade is standing outside the emergency entrance, waiting for me. And I desperately wish we could just go home. That this was merely Braxton-Hicks contractions. I’m not ready.

He opens my door and helps me into a waiting wheelchair. “You ready for this, duchess?”

“Not even a little bit.”
