Page 35 of Broken King

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I slip my keys from my purse and turn to face him. “I really do. I think this was a good idea. It was a good start to the foundation we want to give our daughter. But I think we’re better not complicating an already complicated situation.” When he looks like he’s going to object, I continue. “Like you said earlier, our daughter deserves for her parents to be friends.” I hold out my hand, like a complete idiot.

But Cade wraps his arm around me instead. “When is your next doctor’s appointment, duchess?”

“Oh. I still have to schedule it. But I think they want me back in three weeks.” I pull out my phone and look at my calendar. “Yes. I’m supposed to go once a month, and I saw them a little over a week ago. So about three more weeks.”

“I want to come. I don’t want to miss a single appointment, okay?” He hasn’t let me go yet, and it feels good.

Too good.

Being wrapped in his arms is the first time I’ve actually felt like everything was going to be okay.

That pisses me off almost as much as it comforts me.

Maybe being in this together won’t be so bad.

Before I start my car to head home that night, I decide it’s time for a little family wrangling. And in our family, there’s no better way to do it than a group text message.

Kingston Family Group Text:

Scarlet:In case there are any Kingstons that missed what I’m sure was a gossip-filled text message last weekend — let me make this clear...

Scarlet:Do I have your attention?

Scarlet:Yes. Cade St. James is the father. He and I are going to be coparenting as FRIENDS. And if any of you have a problem with that, feel free to fuck right off.

Scarlet:Any questions?

Lenny:I’ve got one. Does he still have an eight-pack? I used to love watching him fight.

Lenny:He’s so sexy.

Jace: Gross Len!

Becks:I’m sure Bash would love to hear that.

Lenny:Unlike some of my brothers, Sebastian is secure enough to not be threatened by other men.

Lenny: And he’s got his own eight-pack for me to count now.

Jace:I don’t want to hear about you and Bash and why he’s secure. La La La.

Scarlet:Friends, Lenny Lou. I don’t count his abs.

Amelia:I volunteer as tribute.

Max:Can I be the one to tell Sam? I think I’d enjoy that.

Amelia:You’re a sick man Maximus.

Max:You’re not wrong.

Sawyer:I want the record to show, I told Hudson he was acting like an ass.

Becks:Yeah. And now you’re acting like an ass kisser.

Sawyer: I’d rather kiss Scarlet’s ass than put my lips where yours have been.

Lenny:Now boys, this is not the time to tell Becks how his girlfriend isn’t good enough for him.

Max:Adaline likes her. I’d say that right there is a pretty good reason for us to hate her.

Sawyer: That’s because she’s a younger version of Adaline.

Jace:It’s still weird you call your mom by her first name.

Scarlet:Can we focus on my non-relationship and not on Becket’s mommy issues please?

Becks:You’re all assholes.

Scarlet:No. We’re Kings. Now fucking act like it.
