Page 107 of Stay for Forever

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Aspen threads her arm through mine. “I don’t know why you’re confused. This is the way it’s always been with the West sisters.”

Yes, well, until Aspen came home I could escape into my work. Since she came home last summer, however, I’ve somehow lost the ability to escape.

The crowd quiets down. “Are Juniper and Maverick finally coming outside?” I ask as I peer toward the back of their house.

“Nope.” Ashlyn pops the p in the word, which is usually a sign she’s up to no good.

“Why is everyone quieting down? Is someone going to make an announcement?”

I study Aspen. Could she be pregnant? I noticed Ellery and Ashlyn were pregnant long before anyone else. Could I have missed the signs with Aspen? Of course, I haven’t. She’s holding a beer.

Ellery points across the yard. “I think everyone’s waiting to hear what he has to say.”

I look to where she’s pointing and scowl. What is he doing here? It’s bad enough I can barely get away from him during the workday. I should be able to have some privacy during my free time.

I don’t wait for him to find me. I march across the yard. “What are you doing here?” I demand of Beckett Dempsey, my boss.

“I was about to ask you the same thing.”

“You have no right to ask about my whereabouts when it’s not related to work,” I remind him of a fact I’ve reminded him of several times before.

He rubs a hand down his face. “When you refused to answer my calls, I thought you were on a date.”

“I refused to answer your calls because I am not at your beck and call despite what you may believe.”

“You rushed out of the office in a hurry. I thought there was a problem.”

I cross my arms. “I did not rush out of the office. I completed my tasks for the day and left.”

“You didn’t check with me before leaving.”

I count to ten before I lash out at him. He may be annoying and out of line, but he’s still my boss. Clean Mountain Environment, the firm I work at, is the only environmental engineering firm within driving distance of Winter Falls. If I want to stay living in this town – and I do – I can’t get fired from my position no matter how annoying my boss is.

“I didn’t realize checking with you was a requirement before leaving for the day.”

“Go get him, Lilac!” Ashlyn shouts from behind me.

Beckett glances past me to nod to my sister. “Who is she?”

“She is none of your business. My private life is none of your business. I concede you are my boss.”

He snorts. “How gracious of you.”

“But being my boss does not entitle you to information about my private life. I’d prefer it if you left now.”

Ashlyn skips over to us. “Hi.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Ashlyn.”

When he reaches forward to shake her hand, she uses the hold to drag him further into the yard. “We’re having a party. Come join us. I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

I glare at my baby sister carting my boss off. I don’t want him anywhere near my family. I don’t care how gorgeous he is or how smart he is. He has complicated written all over him and I don’t do complicated.
