Page 40 of Stay for Forever

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“My boss has given me more responsibility. I don’t have time to have a lunch break when I’m meeting with him to discuss the project every day.”

“Can you describe this boss of yours? Is he a broody but sexy man? Is he a billionaire? Does he stare at you with smoldering eyes like he wants to swallow you whole?”

Everyone turns to stare at Ashlyn. She throws her arms in the air. “Sorry. I’m in the middle of narrating a series of grumpy boss romances.”

After studying drama in college, my baby sister decided she didn’t want to be an actress. She wanted to narrate audiobooks instead. She specializes in erotic romances. And Rowan, being the devout husband he is, encouraged her career by building her a recording studio. He should know better than to encourage her.

Ellery settles onto my sofa and props her feet on the coffee table. “I thought we came here to discuss Juniper’s date with Mav.”

I know. Why do you think I’m trying to make Lilac’s work troubles into a topic of discussion? I have no desire to have a discussion about my date with Mav with anyone, let alone my nosy sisters.

Ashlyn plops down on the sofa next to Ellery. “Let the interrogation begin.”

And now you know why I don’t want to discuss my date with them. “Interrogation? There’s no need to interrogate me. You already know about the date.”

She wiggles her eyebrows. “We know what happened at Naked Falls Brewing.”

“Your friend, Moon, has the biggest mouth in all of Colorado.”

She ignores me to continue her questioning, “What we don’t know is what happened after he brought you home. Did you jump his bones? Did he jump yours? Did boots go knocking and headboards banging?”

“You enjoy sex rough, don’t you?”

She wags her finger at me. “Nuh-uh. No deflecting on me. It’s your turn. I’ve had mine.” She waves her hand with her diamond wedding ring at me. “My turn was extremely successful.”

“This is not my turn, and my sisters are not the matchmakers of Winter Falls.”

Aspen snorts. “Of course, we’re not. The gossip gals are. But we are your sisters, and we deserve to know what happened with Maverick.”

I cock an eyebrow. “You deserve to know? The same way you told us why you hightailed it out of Winter Falls and left Lyric brokenhearted all those years ago.”

“When are you going to let the past go?” she asks the room.

“I say never.” Ellery’s hand shoots into the air. “Who’s with me?”

Ashlyn and I raise our hands. When Lilac doesn’t, I raise an eyebrow at her. “Do I have to raise my hand? I am not in kindergarten.”

“We’re not here to talk about me,” Aspen insists. “We’re here to talk about what an idiot Juniper is being.”

I rear back. “An idiot? I’m the idiot? You seriously thought—”

“Nope! We’re not talking about my past. We’re talking about you and Maverick now.”

“There is no me and Maverick. We’ve been over for months now.”

Ashlyn bats her eyelashes. “It didn’t appear as if you were over at the brewery last night.”

“I have it on good authority you weren’t there.”

She huffs. “I will get Moon back for tattling on me and Rowan if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Do you remember when I was being an idiot about Cole?” Ellery asks.

I nod because how could I forget? Ellery was a complete idiot. It was more than a little amusing to observe.

“What did you say to me at the time?”

I shrug. “I don’t think I said anything. I’m pretty confident it was Aspen with her big mouth who did all the talking.”
