Page 58 of Stay for Forever

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Chapter 20

I prefer my dog over humans. My dog never asks stupid questions.

“She must be here somewhere.” I hear Aspen say in my living room, and I groan before burying my head under my pillow. I have no desire to deal with my sisters now. Truth be told, I hardly ever want to deal with my interfering siblings lately.

“Found her!” Ashlyn shouts as she dives onto my bed.

Bark Twain and Indiana Bones growl at her before leaping from the bed and rushing off. “Bye, fur monsters.”

I throw a pillow at her. “They’re not monsters. You’re the monster for breaking into my house.”

She rolls her eyes. “There was no breaking involved. We used a key.” She waves a key at me.

What the hell? She gave me back her key. I should have known she had more than one.

“I’m afraid it’s still considered breaking and entering as our entry was unauthorized,” Lilac explains.

“But we didn’t use any force,” Ashlyn argues.

“Did you push the door open?”

Before Ashlyn can respond, Ellery enters my bedroom. “Are we having a slumber party? Awesome.” She grabs the pillow Ashlyn’s hugging before climbing into bed with me. “Wake me up when you’ve got Juniper sorted.”

“Some help you are,” Aspen grumbles as she sits on the floor next to my bed. Indiana Bones returns and lays his chin in her lap.

“Help? Why would I need help? What happened?”

“You missed it.” Ashlyn bounces on the bed, and Ellery kicks her. “The town was overwhelmed by Maverick’s teenaged fans.”

“Teenyboppers,” Aspen corrects.

Ashlyn claps. “Excellent. Today will forever be known as the Invasion of the Teenyboppers. Make a note of it,” she orders Lilac.

Lilac frowns. “I’ll be sure to do that tomorrow.”

“Whoa hoo!” Ashlyn throws her arms in the air in celebration. “Lilac used sarcasm.”

Ellery groans. “Great. Now, can you reconvene this conversation in the living room so I can get some sleep?”

“This is my bed, you know,” I point out.

“I know.” She sniffs my pillow. “And guessing by the smell of this pillow, you didn’t spend last night alone.”

“Give me that.” Ashlyn snatches the pillow from Ellery. “I don’t smell anything.”

Ellery taps her nose. “It’s the benefit of having a baby. Apparently, I can smell better than a bear now.”

“The African elephant actually has the best sense of smell in the animal kingdom,” I tell her.

“And there is no scientific evidence to suggest pregnancy has an effect on olfaction.” Lilac frowns. “Although, there are plenty of anecdotal accounts and research in this area is lacking.”

“Let me smell.” Aspen snags the pillow from Ashlyn and sniffs it. “Oh, yeah. I’m definitely smelling cologne.”

“Yes!” Ashlyn punches her hand in the air. “This confirms the rumors from the gossip gals about Mav and Juniper being a couple.”

“What’s this about the invasion of teenyboppers?” I ask before they can begin grilling me about last night.

“I can’t believe you missed it. Weren’t you at the diner with Maverick this morning?” Ashlyn asks.
