Page 69 of Stay for Forever

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“Too bad. You yelled at me – rightfully so – for not communicating with you and made me promise to communicate better in the future. Communication is a two-way street.”

“I hate it when you point out my mistakes,” she grumps.

“We all make mistakes,” I say and motion to the couch. “Let’s sit.”

She takes a seat on the couch as far away from me as possible. I let her. I can’t imagine having a serious conversation with her in my arms. I can barely think when she’s near. When my hands are touching her, forget about thinking. My thoughts are on one-track and one-track only then.

“Why did you say you need space?”

“You’re not going to build up to the big question first?”

“What would you like to talk about first? How you tried saving the wedding cakes from a chipmunk and ended up covered in cake?”

She salutes me. “Touché.”

Silence falls and I wait her out. Juniper may be stubborn as the day is long, but she’s also impatient. She’ll give in eventually.

“Fine, I’ll tell you!” She throws her hands in the air. “You forgot I existed the minute your fans showed up.”

“I—” I start, but she doesn’t let me get a word in.

“It was supposed to be our first outing as a couple, and we didn’t even have the chance to order before you were ignoring my existence. You didn’t bother to glance back as you trotted off with your adoring fans.”

“It’s not how it looked,” I manage to say while she catches her breath.

She ignores me to continue her rant. “Here I thought we were starting over. That you weren’t going to ignore me for all your Hollywood glitz and glamour. I’m such a fool.”

I’ve had enough with the pain obvious in her eyes. I scoot down the couch and grasp her hands.

“You’re not a fool, and I don’t give a shit about the Hollywood glitz and glamour.”

She snorts. “Which is why you ran to your fans the second they showed up in Winter Falls.”

I lift her until she’s straddling me and cradle her face in my hands. “I didn’t want them to know about you.”

She rears back and nearly tumbles off my lap. “What? Are you ashamed of me? Am I not good enough for you?”

She fights against my hold, but I’m not letting her go. Not when I finally have her right where she belongs.

“No. You’re too good for me.”

“If I’m too good for you, why are you hiding me like I’m some dirty little secret?”

“I’m trying to protect you.” She frowns and I rush on. “Once the paparazzi know about you, they’ll dig into your life and invade your privacy.”

She slaps my shoulder. “You need to stop making decisions for me. I know the paparazzi will dig into my life and guess what? They won’t find anything interesting. I don’t have a sordid past they can uncover. There are no old boyfriends with grudges waiting for the chance to air our dirty laundry. I’m boring.”

I kiss her nose before placing my forehead against hers. “You, my June Bug, are anything but boring. You also told me about the night you spent in jail. Do you know what the bloodsuckers will do with that piece of juicy information?”

She smirks. “Good thing they’ll never find out about it.”

“Jail records are public.”

“There is no record. Lyric was the officer who caught us with the ‘rocket fuel’ and he never made an incident report, but he did make us stay the night in jail to ‘teach us a lesson’.” She makes air quotes as she rolls her eyes.

“Are you positive you want the world to know about us? Once the cat’s out of the bag, there’s no putting it back in.” I need her to understand how difficult things can get.

“Tell me about it. I love my Meowise, but she is a total asshole.”
