Page 72 of Stay for Forever

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At Lilac’s words, everyone freezes. I feel my jaw drop.

“It’s true. Project Get Ashlyn Pregnant is a success!” Ashlyn is yelling by the time she finishes her announcement.

My mouth gapes open and closed several times before I manage to get my brain to form words in a coherent manner. “No wonder you chose a wedding carnival. No one could question you not drinking.”

“Sneaky smart, right?”

I pull her in my arms. “I’m happy for you, baby cakes.”

She shoves me away. “No. No more calling me baby cakes. You can’t call me a baby when I’m having a baby.”

Aspen hugs her before announcing, “You’ll always be baby cakes to me.”

Ellery sniffles before wrapping her arms around Ashlyn. “I’m so excited. Our children will grow up together.”

“If Ashlyn’s child is as wild as she was, you better put aside money for bail now.”

Ashlyn rolls her eyes. “Our children’s uncle would never arrest his niece and nephew. I want a boy. An adorable boy who looks exactly like Rowan.”

“You better stock up on condoms early,” I mutter.

“Don’t worry. I got this covered. Although, I won’t be giving my child the sex talk at the age of six.” Ashlyn makes a face at the memory of those sex talks our mother subjected us to.

I hear a crash and whirl around to discover Mom standing in the foyer. The cake she brought is in pieces at her feet. “Child? You’re pregnant?”

“I prefer the term knocked up.”

While Mom and Ashlyn giggle and embrace, I get out the broom and sweep the remnants of the cake away.

“This must be familiar to you,” Aspen says.


“Picking up cake.” She wags her phone at me. “At last count, the video had 155,000 views.”

“What? You weren’t supposed to put the video online for everyone to watch.” It’s bad enough every resident of Winter Falls will see it.

“I made no promises.”

I drop the broom and stomp toward her.

“Now, now, baby girls.” Mom pushes her way between us. “No fighting. Today is a happy day. I’m going to be a grandmother.”

“Ahem.” Ellery clears her throat. “You already are a grandmother, remember?”

“Yes. Yes. Of course. Speaking of which, where is my little Willow today?”

“Cole took her fishing. As if a five-week-old baby is interested in learning how to fish.”

“Can we start opening presents now? I have to work today.”

I frown at Lilac. “It’s Sunday. You shouldn’t be working on Sunday.”

“Unless she’s working on one of her liaisons.” Aspen wiggles her eyebrows.

Lilac purses her lips. “Do not focus your matchmaking schemes on me. I am perfectly happy the way I am. Now, presents.”

“Presents!” Ashlyn screams at the top of her lungs and runs off.
