Page 93 of Stay for Forever

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Chapter 31

If I were only half the person my dog is, I’d be a better person.

“Honey, I’m home,” I yell when I enter Mav’s house.

I’m not actually home. I haven’t moved in with Mav, although I do spend most of my time at his place. Much to my dogs’ dismay.

When he doesn’t answer my greeting, I go to find him. I don’t have to search long. If he isn’t in front of the television ‘screening’ movies – because apparently, you can’t simply watch a movie if you’re a movie star – he’s in his home office reading scripts or taking calls.

Mav told me he wants to begin producing movies. From what I’ve seen, producing means spending a whole lot of time phoning actors and cajoling them to star in the movie you’re producing. I’d rather spend the day wrestling with the mini pigs in the mud bath than talking on the phone with spoiled actors, but Mav seems to enjoy it.

I find him exactly where I thought I would – in his home office. His back is to me as he stares out the window while he talks on the phone.

“I admit the role sounds interesting.”

Role? Has Mav found the next movie he wants to star in? This I gotta hear. I don’t make a sound as I sneak into the room and sit on his leather sofa.

“What’s holding me back? One word. Quinn Wilder.”

I slam my hand over my mouth before I can gasp out loud. Quinn Wilder? The woman he kissed for publicity? What does she have to do with the role? Oh no. Is he going to star in a movie with her?

Acid burns in my stomach. Quinn Wilder is everything I’m not. She’s a glamourous movie star who probably wakes up gorgeous. I’m a hick from a small town who often forgets to brush her hair and comes home covered in animal dung more often than I prefer to admit.

“I’m not complaining about Quinn’s acting capabilities.” He huffs out a breath of air. “I realize this is a roll of a lifetime.” A grunt. “There’ll be other rolls.” A sigh. “Let me think it over.”

He hangs up and his chin falls to his chest as he rubs his neck.

Shit. Is his career in jeopardy because he doesn’t want to work with Quinn Wilder? Is he doing this for me? Because I’m a jealous cow? Damn it. Do I have to swallow my jealousy to save his career?

He turns around to throw his phone on the desk and startles when he notices me.

“Hey, June Bug. I didn’t realize you were home.”

There’s that word again. Home.

“I’m not.”

His brow wrinkles. “You’re not what?”

“I’m not home.”


“Do you need me to spell it for you? I am not home. My home is on the other side of town.”

I don’t know why I’m being obstinate. I blame hearing the name Quinn Walker come out of his mouth. Jealousy reared its ugly head and now nasty is exploding from my mouth. I know I need to chop the jealousy head off, but I don’t exactly have a sword laying around for decapitating people or jealous rages.

“This is why I can’t accept the part,” he mumbles.

Wait. He’s not accepting the part because we don’t live together. Color me confused.

“This? What are you talking about? You may need to draw me a map.”

He sits on the sofa next to me and grasps my hands. “You’re not secure in our relationship.”

I rear back. “I am. I love you. I know you love me.”

“Then, why haven’t you moved in?”
