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“Wait, do you mean …?” His eyes widen and lips part in horror.

“I said, I won’t discuss it.” My voice is firm, offering no room for discussion as I push a bit of dominance out towards him. Not enough to overwhelm him but enough to softly push against him, reminding him of his place. “I’ll take what you said about the engagement under advisement, but at the end of the day, it will be my decision and mine alone. The pack will have to judge me based on my actions and my devotion thus far, and trust that I would never do anything that would harm them or put them in danger.”

“Yes, Alpha,” he mumbles, his mouth clamping shut with his eyes downcast, refusing to meet mine as he slumps back into his chair. Instead of doing the same, I stand above him, reinforcing my position with him, because despite my title falling from his lips, I’m beginning to see the cracks in his respect for me.

“Good. Where do we stand on the leak?” He blinks up in confusion at my question, his brows furrowed as his mind shifts from the sudden change in topic.

“Oh, that, uhh, I was able to find an unknown login that accessed the documents on the dates where attacks happened. It didn’t match up to anyone, but I have security looking at the back up surveillance to see if we can get a name,” he stammers, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“Good work, let me know as soon as you find anything.” I push back from my chair, ready to get out of this room and process everything that’s happened in the last twenty four hours … and have a shower. “I’ll meet you, Silas, and Seline in the conference room in twenty minutes to discuss that attack last night,” I instruct, needing to shift this conversation back to a professional level. I stride for the door, his silence becoming suffocating, the room too small to contain the whirlwind of emotions hanging between us.

My heart pangs for the boy I used to know. We never really got an end, and perhaps that was easier than us growing apart or being torn apart when I met my mates. Because even though I tried to fight it, I know the bond that stretches from my soul to theirs would have ripped both my heart and Monte’s to shreds if we had still been in a relationship.

I reach for the door knob, closing around the cool metal, but before I can turn it and make my escape Monte’s voice over my shoulder freezes me in my place. I hadn’t even heard him follow me, but he stands so close to me now that his breath trails along the exposed skin of my shoulder. But instead of desire curling in my stomach, it’s bile churning. I hate the feel of his body so close to mine.

“Is that it then, you’re just going to be with them, your mates?” he snarls, the last word forces from his mouth with such ferocity, as though it leaves a bad taste on his tongue. His hand trails a light, teasing touch across my shoulder, and I turn out of his reach. His hand falls limply to his side when I turn to face him, his shoulders already slumping in defeat.

I take a deep breath, knowing there’s no going back from what I’m about to say, but it needs to be done. “Yes, I’m with them now. And you won’t touch me again without my permission if you want to keep your place here.”

I don’t bother waiting for his response, my tone hard and final, leaving no room for one. I swing the door open and swiftly close it behind me as I stride from the room. A mix of sympathy and relief curls in my chest at both the physical and metaphorical door finally shutting between Monte and me, leaving me hopeful that will be the closure he needs to move on.

Chapter Twenty-One


IgroanasIlean against the bar, cradling my head in my hands in an attempt to soothe the pain blooming in my skull. My fingers splay at the sound of something sliding across the counter and I peer through them hesitantly, not letting my hopes get too high. To my relief, a gin and soda sits before me, and I eagerly grasp the glass, taking a long pull of the drink before placing it against my forehead. Hopefully, this will help to stave off the headache that’s forming from being in a room with Vivian for far too long.

“Remind me never to let you rope me into that again,” Seline sighs, leaning towards me from the other side of the bar, nursing her own glass of amber liquid.

“Remind me never to be in a room with that insufferable woman for more than thirty minutes,” I groan and wince sympathetically. Relief outweighs my guilt over asking Seline to come with me since I’m sure today could have gone a lot worse. “I seriously think my head might explode. I’ve never heard someone make so many snide comments in a row, I fear she may now hold the world record.”

“Don’t remind me,” Seline mutters, taking another sip of her whisky. “We definitely deserve a whole bottle of liquor after having to tolerate that woman for the past four hours.” She turns to make us another drink before two more glasses slide towards us, a grinning brunette sidling up to Seline’s side. If it hadn’t been for her subtle threats I would have been out of there in twenty minutes tops. Hell, if Monte hadn’t reignited my deep fears of the pack rebelling if they learned the truth, that our relationship is fake, I wouldn’t have even showed up. To make a bad situation worse, the step-monster coaxed me to come with the guilt-trip of getting to know Pearl, but she hadn’t let anyone get more than a sentence out at a time. Her constant driveling about petty gossip was like background music to the entire experience.

“It looks like you both needed these, boss ladies,” the girl giggles, placing the glasses in front of us. It’s the bartender that came in on her day off, and I give her a wide smile.

“I like the sound of that, and you’re a lifesaver.” I laugh, polishing off the first drink and exchanging it with the new one. “Thanks again for coming in last night. Sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”

“It was no problem, seriously and I’m Sophia. Besides, I think you’re the real life saver, Alpha. I heard what happened last night. That could have been any of us that walked out there. I don’t even want to think about if it had been an omega.” She shakes her head, her easy smile pulling down as the glimmer of tears sparkle in her eyes. I shudder at the thought. Omegas are much weaker physically than betas, so if the bears had been after anyone that could have stumbled out there, they wouldn't have been able to defend themselves.

“I’ll just be glad when we take care of the threat. I don’t want anyone else put in danger because of this conflict.” My hand itches to reach over to comfort her, but especially with the groups starting to shuffle in, I know it’s not a good idea. Emotions are okay, but there is a fine line I have to walk.

“Well I feel safer now that you’re here, and I know you’ll be able to unite the wolves against them,” she says, smiling sadly and blinking away her silent tears. “I’ll be sure to bring you both another round in a few minutes.” With that, she slaps on that customer service smile and moves further down the bar to where a patron waits to place their order.

The Saturday night rush is only just starting to trickle in, so the DJ hasn’t begun his set yet. Dance music mixed with top forty plays in the background, low enough for us to be heard over still.

“I’m going to miss this place,” Seline says wistfully, her gaze scanning the dancefloor behind me. I know what she means, just as this club had become her second home, the one back in New York had become mine.

“You’re not going to jail or anything, you can still come back. Hell, if you really want I’ll make up a position just for you, and you can come in whenever you want and still feel part of the team.” I chuckle, clinking my glass against hers but also giving her a knowing look. It wouldn’t be the same, but I will help her with whatever she needs. She blinks away the nostalgic look and gives me a grateful smile as we both take a long sip.

“Ignore me. I guess I’ve just become attached to this place. But you know as much as I do that my dream was always to follow in my father’s footsteps and to beta by your side. I’m beyond thankful for the opportunity.”

“I know, babe, but you’re allowed to feel disappointed. This was a huge chapter of your life, I just want you to know it doesn’t have to end,” I say, smiling softly and wishing I could wrap my friend in a hug.

“Well then, let’s cheers to following our dreams, and hold on to our happiness,” she says cheerfully, lifting her glass in the air. When I clink mine to hers, she gives me a pointed look, conveying her hidden meaning. Gulping a sip back, I ignore her knowing stare, not wanting to think about where my happiness may lie.

My cell phone beeps and I pull it from my pocket. Checking the new text, I fight the urge to launch the thing across the club.

Step-monster:Don’t forget the car will be leaving for the party at six tomorrow night. The seamstress said your dress will be ready in the morning. How exciting, right? I’m still waiting for a thank you.
