Page 84 of The Renegade

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Rogue looked us both up and down. “Looks like you didn’t kill each other after all.”

I glared at Ghost. “There’s still plenty of time for that.”

“Is everything okay?” Jacob asked pausing to let the poor dough rest.

“Everything is fine.” It wasn’t, but Jacob didn’t need anything else to worry about right then.

“Did he come through with something useful?” Rhys inclined his head toward Ghost.

He’d told me plenty, and most of it had only made me more anxious than I’d been. “Yes. We’ll talk later. First, I need to escort Agent Ghost off our property.”

“We could put him to work,” Rogue suggested. “Or throw him in with Evan.”

Before I’d learned exactly who was taking over the Carlottis’ former empire, I would have laughed or even considered those suggestions but not now. “I talked to X. We need to give him Evan and get them the hell out of here. There’s more trouble brewing.”

Jacob looked back up. “From the FBI?”

“No. Not this time.”

Ghost laid a hand on my shoulder. “I meant what I said. I’ll help if I can.”

I held his gaze. My instincts told me he was sincere, but how the hell could I work with the FBI and the criminals at the same time. X seemed to manage just fine, but when you’re that rich, you can manage anything.

I left Rogue with Jacob. TJ and Rhys collected Evan and brought him to Ghost’s vehicle, which he’d camouflaged well. “I thought all you fucking G-men drove black sedans.”

He rolled his eyes. “This isn’t a movie.”

“At least you haven’t lost any of your talents.”


I gave him a funny look.

“You know what a natural leader you are. You owned that room. Everyone in there was ready to do your bidding.”

“Not you.”

“I did in the end, didn’t I?”

I held out my hand to him. “Take care of yourself.”

“You too.” He handed me a card. “Use this number if you need me.”

“And admit to my criminal involvement on record? Hell no.”

“It’s private. I only use it for black ops.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What exactly do you do?”

“I clean up messes that never should have been made.”

TJ, Rhys, and I watched Ghost and a ranting Evan drive away. At least in a car, Ghost couldn’t disappear on me so easily.

“What else is going on?” Rhys asked once the car headed around a curve.

“The Russos are the ones taking over the Carlottis’ business.”

