Page 73 of Faerie Magic

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He shook his head. “Never apologize when you have done no wrong. It makes the apologies when you truly are incorrect seem less sincere if you’re constantly blathering out ‘I’m sorry’ here and there.”

I chuckled. “I take it back.”

“Very good. Quick learn, I like that.” His eyes glistened as he touched his nose once.

I heard my name off Noah’s lips and could swear the queen bristled at the mere mention of it.

I lowered my voice to barely a whisper. “Are they always like this?” I dared to peek over at His Highness when I asked.

The king laughed outright. “This is tame, my dear. There have been times I’ve had to physically separate them for fear of their magic sputtering out and attacking each other without meaning to.”

The shock must have been evident on my face, because he continued. “Noah is as stubborn and fearsome as his mother when he wants to be. They are alike in almost every way. So it’s natural that they’re constantly butting heads. Especially as he gets older and more involved in the court.”

“Mmmm, I see.” I smiled and the king stopped our enjoyable conversation. He watched his wife, and soon it was clear he was lost in his own thoughts.

I kept my eyes up, on the back of Noah’s head for the most part, and was able to keep my flinching to a minimum as they duked it out.

Thank goodness the halls were mostly empty at the moment. Otherwise the staff, guard, or other fae would be getting quite a show.

I tried to ignore the jabs I could still hear the queen making at me and focused instead on figuring out how much longer we had to go until we were back to Noah’s library, where I was sure I’d finally be allowed to retire for the evening.

There was a flicker up ahead, in front of one of the torches lining the hall. I wondered about the castle itself, and if the drafts were strong enough to blow out the torches altogether.

Ancient freaking times these fae were stuck in.

A glimmer in the same spot the flame had flickered in drew my attention once more. I stared at the darkness of the approaching alcove.

The flicker wasn’t from the wind at all.


It was from a dark cloak that peeked out from the quickly approaching hiding spot in the middle of the hallway.

And the glimmer was the flames catching the gleam of a dagger in the hands of the cloaked figure, poised for attack directly above the queen herself.
