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Instead of my modest hotel room, I’m in some fancy suite. I sit up in bed, looking around as I try to piece together the events of last night.

I remember trailing after Taylor and the bridesmaids to the limo, drinking champagne and eating that tiny dinner. Then I must have blacked out because the next thing I remember is Declan Mason willingly hanging out with me.

He had taken me around Las Vegas to see the sights. I remember the High Roller and drinking appletinis. A vision of the two of us on a gondola hits me. We had been happy, laughing, with our arms around each other.

Then…he had proposed?

That can’t be right.

But I can remember music and flowers and an Elvis impersonator. Declan said I do and I had, too. I remember some dark haired women clapping for us but then it all goes dark.

There’s only one way to explain all of that.

I must have been dreaming.

It was a good dream, too. Declan had been so sweet, ignoring Chloe, Nikki, and Kaitlyn in favor of talking to me. He had held my hand. He hadkissedme.

My fingers brush over my lips as I try to remember how it felt in my dream.

I sigh, smiling as I remember him proposing and dragging me to some Vegas wedding chapel.

I collapse back into the pile of pillows and that’s when it hits me.

If all of that had been a dream, then where the heck am I, and whose room is this?

I throw the blankets off of me, letting out a sigh of relief when I see that I’m still fully dressed from last night. My flats are sitting over by the door and I dread putting them back on. I must have gotten so many blisters last night and my feet are still sore.

I look down, my heart flipping over in my chest when I see that someone put band aids over the blisters.

My phone is sitting on the table by the door and I hurry over to it, picking it up and flipping through the messages.

There’s some from Eloise, telling me Happy Valentine’s Day and asking if I want her to call with some fake emergency so I can escape the wedding party from hell. There’s even more from Taylor and her friends, demanding to know what is going on with me and Declan, commanding me to tell him where they are so that he can come join them, and then cussing me out when I guess he never showed up.

Reading through their messages just makes me want to leave, get on a plane for Destiny Falls and never talk to those girls ever again. Sadly, I know that not speaking to them or seeing them ever again isn’t really an option.

The only good thing about their messages is that it proves last night wasn’t a dream.

My head is spinning and I brace a hand on the wall.

What do I do now? Go back to my room and try to sleep off this hangover? Hide in my room so that I never have to face Taylor and the bridesmaids again? I wonder if I could convince them that I was sick or that there was some kind of kindergarten emergency and that I needed to head home early…no, that won’t work. It’s Saturday. They would never believe that excuse.

I know that I need to pull on my big girl panties and go face them—just get it over with, but I can’t seem to find it in me to move. They’ve been awful when I’ve done nothing to them. Now that they think I slighted them and stole Declan away from them last night, they’re going to be unbearable. I just know it.

The bedroom door next to me opens and I startle, jerking back a step as my eyes widen when they rest upon the man in front of me.

Declan is shirtless, sweaty, and utterly delicious. His dark brown hair is damp and strands stick to his forehead. I watch as he uses his shirt to wipe some of the sweat away from his eyes.

My mouth waters and for a minute I wonder whether I’m going to lick him or throw up. To be fair, I am feeling kind of light-headed. I blink, trying to clear the spots from my vision as my eyes rake over his thick arms, down his six pack abs to the waistband of his gym shorts.

“Morning,” he says, sounding perfect, like he’s been up for hours and has already accomplished everything on his to do list.

Me, on the other hand…well, I can barely stand up straight and I’m sure I look like something that he just scraped off his shoe.

“Uh huh,” I mumble and he chuckles.

“Sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. I can never sleep well after I drink, so I went downstairs and hit the gym.”

“Uh huh,” I mumble again as he steps closer to me.
