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It’s time for me to go get my wife back.



I’ve made a terrible mistake.

Make thattwoterrible mistakes. First, by leaving Declan and second, by deciding to try making up with Taylor and the bridesmaids and joining them on their last night out.

My heart is breaking for walking away from Declan, but I know that sooner or later, he’s going to realize that he can do better. I need to protect myself now. The longer I’m with him, the harder I’ll fall, and it will only hurt more when he does dump me.

“Emma! Take another picture!” Taylor orders me and I try to give her a smile as I take her phone and open the camera app.

They’ve been switching between ordering me around and making snide comments.

They caught me sneaking back to my room with my luggage and I swear, I’ve never seen the four of them happier.

They had crowed about how stupid and naïve I had been to think that I could handle a man like Declan Mason. They rubbed it in my face, even though it was obvious that I was heartbroken.

I snuck off to the bathroom when we stopped at some Tiki Bar and called Eloise back home, telling her everything. I was hoping she would have some magic balm or some secret to stop the heartbreak.

She had told me to drink.

I don’t think that’s going to fix it. That’s how I got into this mess in the first place.

She offered to help me pay for a ticket back home or to fly out and mope in the hotel room with me, which meant a lot. We’re both teachers and aren’t exactly rolling in the money, so I know she would have used up most of her savings. Yet she was still willing to do it.

I snap a few pictures of Taylor and the bridesmaids. By a few, I mean about a hundred. I’ve learned after the first few rounds of pictures that taking one or two isn’t acceptable. They need choices. Options.

“I mean, can you imagine Declan Mason ending up with someone like her?” Chloe asks, like I’m not even sitting right here and can hear every single word she’s saying.

Nikki and Kaitlyn both snort out a laugh at the exact same time and Taylor grins evilly. They all turn to look at me, enjoying that I’m again not fighting back.

I want to. I just don’t have it in me.

I’m miserable.

I should just return to my hotel room. I can order room service or grab something on the way back, shower, and curl up with my Kindle. Then I can try to forget all about this weekend.

My phone goes off and I pick it up, my heart racing as I see Declan’s name flash across the screen.

I hit ignore, not ready to face him just yet.

A text comes in, begging me to answer my phone. I’ve barely finished reading it when my phone starts to ring again.

I bite my lip, wondering what I should do.

“Emma!” Taylor shouts and I jerk my eyes up to meet hers. “The least you could do is pay attention to us,” she says with an eye roll.

“Sorry,” I mumble, tucking my phone away without answering.

I can feel it buzzing next to my leg, but I ignore it. I spend the next twenty minutes toasting Taylor and her upcoming wedding, and taking more pictures of the four of them.

They talk about people back home, making fun of some and talking about how hot a few of the guys are. Everyone they like is also a huge asshole and I want to roll my eyes. Of course that would be their type.

I’m about to give up and escape back to my hotel room when someone slides into the round booth next to me.

“Hey,” Declan whispers in my ear and I tense.
