Page 28 of Her Maine Reaction

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I flinch at his words. “I’m not.”

“You are. But you’re safe with me.”

“I’m not, and you know that. Just let me go.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“You know why. You just keep denying it.”

“I can’t deny something that I have no idea what–”

His lips crash down on mine, silencing the rest of my words. The excuses I had at the ready all fly out of my head as the heat of Ryan’s lips sear mine.

The tiny electric currents I felt being near him turn into full blown synapse malfunction. My body feels like it could power the whole town.

Ryan pushes me up against the door, and I melt into the kiss. His hands cradle my face like I’m precious, but his lips mold to mine like he wants to break me.

My hands grip his coat, pulling him towards me further, the below freezing air doesn’t even faze me anymore with the heat being given off by our bodies.

It’s even better than I remember.

His lips. His kiss.

I feel like I’m both floating on air, and drowning in the deepest of waters.

Ryan Taylor knows how to kiss a woman.

When his tongue slides against the seam of my lips, I moan, and tighten my grip on his coat to the point of numbness. Groaning, he slips his tongue past my lips and sweeps into my mouth.

If I wasn’t already pushed against the door, I would be melting into the porch where we stand.

Kissing Ryan feels like the first time all over again. I feel like I’ve never been kissed before this moment.

Tilting my head, Ryan moves me how he wants me. He takes this kiss from me–he takes everything–and I don’t mind. I want him to. I need him to.

Every fantasy I’ve had over the past seven months don’t even come close to the real thing.

But Ryan pulls away just as quick as he took me. Panting, the white clouds of our mixed breaths in the cold air fills my vision, and I catch glimpses of his blazing blue eyes in the hazy mist.

“You felt it then, and you feel it now. I’m not letting you pretend anymore.”

“I’m not,” I pant, still heaving my breaths in and out.

Chuckling, he shakes his head lightly and smiles. “I can read you better than you think, sweetheart.” Releasing me, he bends down and picks up my keys. Reaching for my hand, he turns it over and places them in my open palm, brushing his fingers against my sensitive skin, sending shivers up my arm. “I’ll see you soon.”

Nodding, I close my hand around the keys and watch as he takes a step back, and then another, before he turns and walks back to his truck.

What just happened?

Did I dream that?

Pressing my fingertips to my swollen lips, I can still feel Ryan’s heat, and his taste.

It was real.

Fuck. I’m screwed.

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