Page 29 of Her Maine Reaction

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Chapter 6

Waking the next morning, I stretch out in the bed and yawn, loving the feeling of soft sheets against my skin. Curling back into the covers, it takes my foggy brain a few seconds to remember what happened last night.

Groaning, I flop onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Why did he have to kiss me like that? Why did I even come here? I have to leave soon to go back to my real life, and I don’t need the feeling of Ryan’s lips on mine flooding my brain every second of the day for the rest of my life.

Throwing the sheets off, I slip my feet into my slippers, and shuffle down the hall to the kitchen. I need coffee. I can’t process this without caffeine.

While it’s brewing, I take a nice hot shower to warm my body, and wake me up further. I hate to admit that I hate the idea of washing off any trace of Ryan, but my chilly bones demand warmth.

Dressing in sweats again, I throw my wet hair up into a bun and I pour myself a mug of coffee, adding a little cream and sugar. Shuffling back down the hall to the living room, I settle into the couch. I don’t feel like going anywhere today.

Oh, shit. My car! Damn it!

Groaning, I go in search of my phone, but something catches my eye outside the window. What the hell?

Opening the front door, I find my little Toyota parked right where it was last night before I went out.

Did I really dream all of that then?

No, I couldn’t have.

Did Ryan bring it back?

Shaking my head, I close the door before I freeze to death, and go and find my phone. Messages from Ally are blowing it up, and I laugh, swiping her name to call her.

“Ashley!” she yells, answering right away. “I’m so sorry I missed your texts last night! I, uh, got a little distracted with Jake.”

“Gross. And yeah, I figured. It’s fine. I just went to grab dinner at The Rusty Anchor, and then ended up helping Alex out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I bartended. It was fun, actually. Until Ryan walked in and sat with his brother at the bar the rest of the night.”


“Yes! And then he got all mad when some fuck-tard wouldn’t take no as an answer when he was hitting on me, and got all chivalrous and shit. Was it hot and sexy? Yes. But super unnecessary. I can handle myself.”

“Of course you can, Ash. You know guys get possessive, though, and feel like they have to pee a circle around what’s theirs so all other guys know to stay away.”

“But I’m not his to pee around.”

“Don’t you want to be?”

“Ally, I live six hours away in New Jersey! I may want to jump his bones, and we have this intense chemistry I can’t explain, but I don’t know anything about him.”

“Wow, you’re as good at lying to yourself as I was.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Do you want me to come over today?”

“No, it’s okay. I think I’ll just read or watch TV again.”

“Okay, well you’re meeting me for dinner then. Seven o’clock at Anthony’s, okay?”

“Fine, bitch, whatever.”

Chuckling, she says, “See you then.”
