Page 31 of Her Maine Reaction

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As long as I have wine and cheese, I’m good.

I figured.

Don’t judge, bitch!

Ash, please…we’re like the same. That’s all I need to survive, too.

Lol, okay. So I’ll see you when this is all cleared out I guess?

Hopefully soon! I don’t want you stranded.

Just send the search party tomorrow if it’s still like this. I’ll need more supplies! LOL

Will do!

I honestly have no doubt that Ally would make Jake find a way to rescue me if I was still stranded tomorrow. I mean, wine and cheese can only last me so long. I think. I’ve never actually tried to survive on only that.

I guess there’s no time like the present.

I find the wine Ally said she left me, and I pour myself a big glass before settling back on the couch for an evening of binge-watching movies.

It’s definitely a Hallmark Channel movie kind of night. As a hopeless romantic at heart, I can’t deny the secret love I have for these movies. I’m guaranteed a happily ever after, and that’s something I could use a little of right now.

Two movies, and many glasses of wine later, a few tears fall from my eyes as the couple finally kisses in the end. The snow is falling all around them, and he holds her tight as they profess their love for one another–after only knowing each other for a short time, of course. It never matters, though. They always know they’re in love, and that’s why I love these movies.

I wish real life could be that simple. And maybe it is for some people. But never me.

A few more tears fall from my eyes, and I look down at my empty glass. Wow, how many of these have I had that I’m crying over my lack of love life?

I either need to stop drinking, or I need more.

I’m going with more.

Pouring a fresh glass, I carry it with me to go in search of food. Scanning the fridge, I find the block of Irish white cheddar Ally left for me, and I grab a plate and knife, returning just in time for the start of the next movie.

Chapter 7

I’m fucking freezing. That’s the only thought I have as I wake up shaking on the couch in the middle of the night–passing out somewhere after the third or fourth happily ever after movie and a bottle of wine.

Wrapping the crochet blanket as tightly as I can around me, I shuffle down the hall to the thermostat to check that it’s on, but I can’t freaking see. Fumbling around for the closest light switch, I flip it, and nothing happens.

Shit. No.

I flip it again and again, and nothing happens.

Hurrying into my bedroom, I try that switch, and nothing.

“Noooo.” I groan. “Are you kidding me?” I ask into the darkness.

The power’s out. Great.

Luckily, the snow makes it seem brighter outside, so I can still sort of see around the house.

Grabbing the extra blankets Ally left out for me in the other bedroom, I bring them back to the pink room, and layer them all on top of the comforter.

Burying myself below all the layers, my body continues to shake for a few minutes before it slowly mellows out, and I begin to relax.

Rolling onto my side, my eyes flutter closed, and I drift off back to sleep.
