Page 30 of Her Maine Reaction

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“See you.” Hanging up, I sit on the couch and grab the remote, but my phone buzzes with a new message.

Morning, sweetheart. I brought your car back for you, so you don’t have to worry.

Something flares in my chest when I read his words. I don’t know if it’s the ‘sweetheart,’ or the fact that he’s being nice.

I didn’t ask you to do that. I was going to figure it out.

Now you don’t have to.

I don’t need your help, Ryan.

Why can’t you just say ‘thank you?’

I don’t know! Tossing my phone over to the other end of the couch, I throw my head back against the cushions. What’s wrong with me? I’m acting so unlike myself and I hate it. Why does it feel like defeat if I thank him for doing something nice for me?

I never let men get to me. It’s usually the other way around. I’m the one in control. I’m the one to say when and where it happens, or doesn’t. But Ryan has blown all of that out of the water.

He’s in control. He’s slowly stripping me of everything I’ve known for the past eight years, and I both love it, and don’t.

I just want to feel. I haven’t felt anything real in a very long time. I’ve jumped from man to man, trying to find something in them that I know isn’t there. But I always hope. And I always wish.

No, Ash. Just let it all go. You live your life for you, no one else. No regrets.

Sighing, I turn on the TV and find a sitcom that I can get lost in for a while. Snuggled under the crochet blanket, I sip my coffee and watch episode after episode of Modern Family, and my mind starts to relax from all things Ryan.

After a few hours, I stand up and stretch, the growling of my stomach outweighing my drooping eyelids. Searching the cabinets high and low, the only food I find is a package of Oreos. Eh, I’m not complaining.

Pouring a fresh mug of coffee, I carry it, and the cookies, back to the couch, and settle in for another marathon of episodes.

It’s some hours later that I open my eyes to the dim light of the room. Rubbing my eyes, I look around. The clock below the TV says it’s already four in the afternoon.

Picking up my mug, I make my way back to the kitchen. I need some real food. But looking out the window above the sink, I realize I may have an issue.


It’s snowing. Hard.

I guess it started while I was napping, and it’s seriously coming down. Oh my God, I’m freaking starving!

Rushing back to the living room, I open the front door and step out onto the porch. Damn it. Wrapping my arms around myself, I look out at the sea of white.

I don’t think I can leave. It looks like a few inches have fallen in the past couple of hours, and I sure as hell am not shoveling a quarter of a mile driveway to get out.

It sure is beautiful, though. The pine trees surrounding the property are covered in fresh powder–like something off of a Christmas card. All that’s missing is Santa in his sleigh flying in the sky above.

Watching my breath cloud in the cold air, I take a few steps forward and stick my hand out to feel the soft fluffy clumps of snow falling from the sky. It’s like I’m in a snow globe.

Smiling, I tuck my arm back into me and head inside, making sure to open the front curtains wide. If I have to be snowed in, at least I can watch it fall gently down.

Grabbing my phone, I send Ally a quick text.

Hey, I’m not going to make it to dinner. I’m snowed in already. I’ll have to search the cabinets for food.

We’re stuck too, no worries! And I left you a few bottles of wine in the cabinet by the sink, and then I think there’s crackers in another cabinet. I left you a block of cheese in the fridge, too. That wasn’t left behind by people. LOL.

AHH I LOVE YOU! I thought I was going to starve!

Well, you might if it keeps snowing…lol.
