Page 45 of Her Maine Risk

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“Will you need a ride home? Because my bike always has an open seat for you.” He smiles, rubbing his dark stubbled jaw.

“Good to know,” I tell him, and his eyes turn a shade darker, the breath leaving my lungs. “Whiskey. Neat,” I manage to push out.

His eyes don’t leave mine for a beat, and then he grabs the bottle of Maker’s Mark and pours me two fingers.

“Special treatment. Just for you, gorgeous.” He smirks, placing the glass in front of me.

“Thank you.” Lifting the glass to my lips, I inhale the sweet amber liquid and take a sip, the flavors bursting on my tongue before sliding smoothly down my throat and spreading warmly throughout my body.

His eyes watch my throat work, and then lock onto my lips as my tongue peeks out and licks my bottom lip.

“Do you often keep your bike’s seat warm for women?”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear the answer to, gorgeous.”

Blinking, I take a bigger sip to distract myself, and revel in the burn as it slides down my throat. I need it. And he’s right, I shouldn’t have asked. But his answer answered my question even if he didn’t do so directly.

I don’t want to know how many rides he’s given, or how many women have pressed themselves up against him, holding him tight.

“And don’t think so hard about it either.”

“Can’t help it, Fonzie,” I say, taking a step back from the bar.

Shaking his head, he gives me one of his megawatt smiles as he wipes down the bar.

Walking back to the table, all eyes are on me again, and I realize I forgot to get everyone another drink.

“Oh, uh, sorry. I forgot–”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, bitch, whatever,” Ash says.

“I’ll go get us a round,” Courtney volunteers. “It’ll give me the chance to ask him all the questions you refuse to answer.”

“What? No! Courtney!” I yell after her, but she slips away between people, ignoring me.

“She does what she wants,” Ally tells me, waving her hand in the air. “Just let it be.”

Sipping my whiskey, I let it calm my nerves and wipe my mind clean of all the questions I have swirling around in my head.

I want Alex, but I don’t want the long trail of women that comes with him. But I want to know what it would be like. I want to see if he tastes like he smells – spicy with a hint of smoke.

Leaning back in my chair, I join in the conversation with my friends, but I barely register any of it.

My eyes continue to drift over to Alex like a moth to a flame – on instinct.

And when the whiskey starts to make my arms and legs feel like they’re both heavy and light simultaneously, Alex’s eyes clash with mine, and he gives me a slight raise of his chin before disappearing from behind the bar.

Somehow, something in me knows he’s going out for a smoke break, and I suddenly feel the need to get some air.

Like my legs have a life of their own, I stand, telling everyone I’m just running to the bathroom. But when I get lost in the crowd, I make a beeline for the door, and step out into the cool night air. I wish I had my jacket, but I couldn’t take it without raising suspicions, so I wrap my arms around my middle.

Following the side of the building, I round the corners, watching my footing as the grass becomes gravel.

And that’s when I see him.

Leaning up against the brick wall, Alex is half in the shadows of the flood light at the top of the building, his tall frame casting a long shadow towards me.
