Page 61 of When We Lose

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Nothing––I mean nothing––can touch me except this. Hinting at my line of work. I can take a lot of shit, but this just crossed the line.

A whoosh of fury jams through my blood, and all the sarcasm that I can muster rushes to my lips.

“You think I care?” I throw at him in spite. “You think I give a damn? And do you really think I don’t know?” I bark.

His eyebrows lift.

I’m sure not many people talk to him like that.

“I know how power works since I was little. I know it likes to take things away from me. I know how much shit it can bring into one’s life. I lived on the other side. The other side of the tracks. The other side of town. The other side of abundance since you so much like this word. Take your damn pick. You think that just because I eat good food and roll onto scented sheets cleaned and pressed by other people, I don’t know what this is? Unlike the men you have referred to, I know what this is. It has nothing to do with me. It’s life teasing me. Dangling a carrot in front of me. It can all go away in a split second. And I am ready for it. I’ve been ready since I can remember. I’m not afraid. I want to make as much money as I can and ride the gravy train for as long as I can, and when it ends… It fucking ends. No hard feelings here. That’s why I don’t need to sell my soul. I don’t need to kiss your ass. I don’t even need to kiss Kai’s ass. He likes me the way I am. I may be gone in a few short weeks. I may be here longer. Whatever happens to me, your threats mean nothing to me. You think I’ll shake and faint like a wilted flower. You’re wrong. I’m not like you. Or maybe I am. I have a feeling you don’t give a shit about anything and anyone, or you’d treat your women better.”

His glare does nothing to me––like his threats.

His retort comes swiftly.

“I’m sure something will get to you. Maybe you don’t care about the money, seeing that you’ve never had any and you’re used to being poor, but there are other things people like you care about. Feelings and such. You seem quite taken with my son, or you wouldn’t fuck him in the bathroom.”

My forefinger flies up.

“For the record, he fucked me.”

He finds me unbelievable. And he’s somewhat entertained. A cold grin graces his lips.

“I’m glad you’re proud of it. How much longer do you think he’ll give a shit about you?”

“Based on his inherited genetics, not that long.” I toss my hands in the air. “Who cares? I don’t. You can go now,” I say, pointing to the door. “I’m ready to go home,” I add, throwing my phone into my bag.

Surprisingly, he spins around and makes a beeline for the exit.

“This conversation is not over,” he shoots at me over his shoulder.

“I bet it isn’t.”

I pause for a split second.

“And if you want Shauna back, try to be with one woman at a time instead of bugging me,” I bark in his wake.

He doesn’t slow down, let alone stop.

“Says the woman who fucks three men at the same time,” he retorts without glancing in my direction.

Luckily, most people are gone and no one can hear him.

A moment later, he vanishes out the door.

That went well.
