Page 60 of When We Lose

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The slight stubble on his chin is darker than his hair and professionally groomed.

A thick ring graces his finger. It reminds me of Ted Sloane.

I can’t find anything of him in Kai. And I’m happy about that.

“Kai talked Shauna into breaking up with me. And she is friends with you.”

Some logic he has there.

Still, my mouth falls open in surprise. Not for the reason that he thinks.

Is that what bothers him? Really?

He had no problem fucking someone else in Miami?

I can’t go there, can I? If he and Shauna are into open relationships who am I to judge?

He must know. Of course he does. He knows much more than that I have a connection with his son.

How does he know about Kai and Shauna? Did she say something to his father?

I try to choose my words carefully.

“Believe it or not, your life with Shauna is not my business either. And I doubt Kai cares much about it too.”

I sense an ounce of hesitation in him, as if this is not what he expected.

He regroups immediately, when he opens his mouth and speaks again.

“That may be so, but she doesn’t want to reconsider her decision.”

I look at him, flabbergasted.

Has it ever crossed his mind that her decision might have something to do with his choices?

And why is he bugging me now? Has it just dawned on him?

Oh…. Oh. I know. The man must be jealous. Jealous of Kai and me. And also irritated as fuck as he just remembered that his pet was no longer his pet.

His pet has found her voice, and he can’t even fire her. I mean, he could, but he’d earn Kai’s wrath, and that would be unwise.

“Maybe she has her reasons,” I slip to him, shuffling a stack of papers on my desk.

Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut?

He closes the distance between us and stops in front of my desk.

His hands slide onto the surface.

“Listen to me…” he says in a menacing voice, prompting me to lift my gaze.

Hatred glistens in his eyes.

I’m taken aback by his expression but hold my ground, not blinking, not shaking, not tearing my gaze away from him.

Never tell a narcissist they’re a narcissist.

“You just said my life is not your business,” he barks. "Of all people, you should keep your mouth shut. You’re riding a wave of abundance. It won’t last. I can guarantee you that. People like you… Any kind of people… I’ve seen men ten times stronger than you. They get a taste of power. They think it lasts. They also think they can ride that tide forever. Power is a fickle mistress. It likes to fuck a lot. And it fucks around a lot. And it fucks with you a lot. When you expect it the least, it pulls the rug from under your feet, and you find yourself crushed, dirt-poor, and tossed to the side. You’re making some money with this job and maybe more on the side from your dirty affair with my son. You even make some cash off Ted Sloane. Call these instances stupid luck. It won’t last forever. And you’ll end up back where you belong, knocking on the doors, looking for a waitress job or whatever else you’ve worked before.”
