Page 10 of Porter's Angel

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That’s why Cadence preferred men like Lacy. They were manly, but not so beautiful that she was filled with jealousy every time she left him in a room with other women.

“You’ve got to fight for what you love,” Eva said as she brushed past Cadence. The flirty socialite leaned into Country Casanova’s well-built shoulder. Cadence’s nose wrinkled. Why did Lacy surround himself with these snobby trend-seekers anyway? “That’s the problem with you Slade men,” Eva said. “I love you both desperately, but you give up too easily.”

Wait, Slade… Slade… Cadence knew that name. As if reading her mind, the two approached Lacy, who was standing next to West… Slade.

She recognized the cutthroat businessman in an instant.

Was Country Casanova related to West? Now that she saw them together, she saw their similarities in their blue jeweled eyes, their strong jaws, even their noses. Yeah, these two were definitely brothers. They must both work for Trout then. The way Eva acted, she thought she owned these Slade men.

Lacy had admitted to Cadence a few days ago that he was drooling for a deal with Trout, and it seemed he might get his way. West was deep in conversation with Lacy, and as they talked, Eva Trout latched onto West’s arm instead. The flirt couldn’t decide on which handsome man to lavish her attention. If she went after Lacy again, Cadence would claw out some of that blonde hair.

At a permissive gesture from West as a go ahead, Country Casanova left the party with Lacy. This particular Slade brother had a self-assured swagger on him. No doubt about it, he thought he was all that. The two men disappeared in the direction of Lacy’s office upstairs.

That meant that Cadence would be headed there too.

Finally, her man was finding a perch after being such a social butterfly. She couldn’t wait another second to talk to Lacy, and she quickly tried to wrap up the conversation with the investors.

It was harder to escape than she thought, but she managed to squirm free after about ten minutes. She rushed through the crowd, avoiding eye contact with certain guests when they tried to go after her. She was dying to talk to Lacy alone.

Rushing through the hall, she wound around the statues and other modern art that Lacy kept there. They were supposed to be conversation pieces, but they seemed almost sinister in the marbled hallway under those long shadows. The curtain at the end of the corridor moved with the breeze. She could hear the crickets outside.

Strange that it was so peaceful in the surrounding grounds when it was so chaotic inside. As she neared Lacy’s office, the chatter and laughter from the party began to fade as she entered a private little alcove that led to the door.

Cadence stopped in front of the heavy mahogany and caught her breath. She’d never been good at speeches, performances, presentations. Still, what did that matter? This was Lacy, not some unfeeling stranger. He’d listen to her. They’d talked about their pasts, their frustrations and hopes, their futures.

Everything was going to be fine. She could trust him. After this was all through, she’d breathe a sigh of relief.

Cadence raised her hand to knock. Country Casanova opened the door before she could. She jumped back with a startled cry. She should’ve expected the man to still be in Lacy’s office, but she’d hoped they’d be done with their business already.

She lowered her fist.

Country Casanova was on his way out, but he stopped himself before they collided. He stepped back with an easy smile. “Sorry.”

Was Lacy even here? She couldn’t see anything past this guy’s broad shoulders. She rose on her tiptoes to look past him. “Lacy isn’t in here?”

He shrugged, an uncomfortable grimace freezing his attractive features. “He’s talking to his assistant in the back room.”

“His assistant?” Normally that was Cadence’s job during a party. Mary and Cynthia often lent their help, but she’d passed them on her way here.

“Uh, yeah,” Country Casanova said. “That’s what hecalledher. Do you work for him too?”

“I do, but…”

He snickered. “He’s a little busy… if you know what I mean?”

“No…” But she had an idea what he was trying to say, as if Lacy would ever cheat on her in this way. This guy just thought everyone was a creep like himself. “What are you saying?” she asked.

Country Casanova looked flustered, though he was also trying to keep back his amusement. “C’mon, you’re a big girl. You know what I–I mean.” A dimple played at the corner of his mouth. “You don’t want to get in the middle of his… uh… affairs. Maybe come back in a few minutes. Spare your eyes.”

Oh brother! This man was a piece of work. She’d solve this mystery once and for all. “Who’s he with?”


Ha! Country Casanova had it all wrong. Darla was certainlynotLacy’s assistant. She was an investor who Lacy was working out a deal with. This was purely business. Cadence tossed the curls of her hair behind her shoulder. “Oh, they don’t have a thing.”

He made a sound of disdain. “Lynch has athingwith every woman at this party… practically. Well, you know, every woman hethinkshe can get with, am I right?”

She flinched. Ouch. How dare he? The pain of his statement stung like a hammer catching her thumb. Had this man guessed that she and Lacy were an item then? She’d never come across such poor manners.
