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And until he met Sophia, he was willing to do it. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about her. That was not good. How could Thomas carry on as he was when all he wanted to do was be around Sophia and get to know her better?

It felt like everything was in a mess in his head. Thomas could only hope things went better during the evening and that he didn’t see Sophia too much. If he did, he would be struggling to concentrate on the one person who was meant to have his attention. That wasn’t fair on Aimee at all.

The carriage turned sharply, which sent Thomas sliding across the seat and made Edwin collide with him. The force had Thomas gasping, and he pushed Edwin away.

“Get off!”

“Now you know how I feel,” Edwin muttered, adjusting his jacket. “Just don’t do that when we’re in the house.”

Thomas growled, but he didn’t respond. He looked out the window as the carriage went up the path towards the Westbury house. As if it was drawing his gaze away, Thomas looked up towards the trees just beyond the estate. The woods where he met Sophia for the first time.

He really needed to stop and wipe that from his memory. Not something he should be doing tonight.

The carriage stopped, and a servant appeared to open the door. Thomas got out first, followed by Edwin and then Pierce. Viscount and Viscountess Hardwicke and Baroness Beauchamp had got out of the other carriage, the two ladies looking splendid in the evening light. The baroness gave her son a smile and came over to him.

“Pierce, darling, are you going to escort me inside?”

“Of course.” Pierce held out an arm. “Come, My Lady.”

They walked towards the door, the viscount and his wife following behind. Lady Hardwicke turned and beckoned at her sons.

“Come along, you two. You shouldn’t be hanging back like that. This is for your benefit, after all, Thomas.”

Thomas barely heard her. He had spied the woman he had been desperate not to think about. There was a strange little terrace around the corner of the house, looking like a viewing area. There were two women up there, and Thomas immediately noticed Sophia. She looked lovely again, the silk yellow of her dress practically shining in the sun.

Sophia looked very regal with her hair pinned up like that, showing off her lovely swan-like neck and perfect cheekbones. Thomas was sure she looked in his direction, but then she turned away quickly, saying something to her friend. The other woman glanced over Sophia’s shoulder before turning back, and Thomas could see a whispered conversation happening.

He wanted to go over and see what was going on. Be in Sophia’s company for just a little bit. And it felt like his body was prepared to walk in that direction. But then Edwin caught his arm and steered him towards the front door.

“Not that way, brother,” he murmured. “You have to be present for Miss Aimee Burke.”

“I wish everyone would stop telling me that.”

“Then focus on it and remember it; otherwise, you’re going to have me reminding you all night.”

Thomas snorted.

“You wouldn’t be saying the same if you were in my position.”

“It makes me glad that I’m the younger son.”

“It will be your turn soon. Don’t forget that.”

“For now, I can.” Edwin gently nudged Thomas into the house. “Let’s get in and get the pleasantries out of the way. This is going to be a long evening.”

That was probably the only thing Thomas agreed with his brother all day.


Sophia really tried to keep away from Mister Ford. She stayed at the far end of the room with Christiana, trying to focus on anything that wasn’t the gentleman Aimee wouldn’t let out of her sight. Her sister was almost hanging off his arm, looking up with such a big smile. Sophia likened her to a wild animal about to pounce, which made her feel like she was doing her sister an injustice by thinking in such a way.

She did attempt to enjoy herself as best she could. Mister Ford’s brother, Mister Edwin, did come over and introduce himself, asking Sophia to dance. He did his best to be friendly towards her and Christiana. Something about him made him very similar to his older brother, but at the same time, he was very different. Christiana didn’t seem to mind; she appeared to be quite taken with Mister Edwin.

And then there was someone who seemed quite taken with Sophia. Mister Pierce Shore, Baron Beauchamp’s son, had come over with Mister Edwin to introduce himself, and he barely took his eyes off Sophia. He seemed to be very charming, but Sophia found it a little daunting. She wasn’t used to such attention, especially when he asked to dance with her many times. Sophia managed three dances in a row before she claimed she needed to have a rest.

Her parents hadn’t set up any dance cards, so it didn’t matter who danced with whom many times, but she was aware that if she kept dancing with the same gentleman all evening, other guests would think that something was happening between the two of them. Sophia didn’t want to handle any type of gossip; she just wanted to be left alone.

“Goodness!” Christiana gasped as she came to sit beside Sophia at the edge of the room. “That was rather spritely. I wasn’t expecting that!”
