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“I can tell. You looked a little panicked in the beginning.” Sophia giggled. She nudged her friend. “You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself with Mister Edwin.”

“He’s such an elegant dancer and very interesting to talk to.” Christiana’s eyes were shining. “I could talk to him all night if given half a chance.”

Sophia rolled her eyes with a smile.

“You are too much of a romantic, Christiana.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Just don’t wish for too much; otherwise, it might not be there for you.”

Christiana sighed.

“Honestly, Sophia, you’re far too pragmatic. You can wish for something sweet and romantic if you want.”

“With everything going on with me, I think being pragmatic works out better.” Sophia looked around. Nobody seemed to be paying them any attention. “I think I’m going to get a drink. Will you be alright on your own?”

“Of course. I’m not going to do anything stupid.” Christiana squeezed her friend’s arm. “You go and get something for yourself. I might join you shortly.”

Sophia stood up and made her way across the room. She spied her parents with Viscount Hardwicke, talking to Mister Thomas Ford. Aimee was close by with sister Katherine, and they seemed to be openly watching Mister Ford. Sophia had no idea what they were talking about, but she couldn’t imagine they were discussing fashion.

More than likely they were discussing money. Their parents all wanted them to get married to someone with money, and Mister Ford would be a wealthy man in his own right. Aimee would be more focused on that than anything else.

Sophia didn’t really care about money. She was content never to marry, even if it drove her parents insane that she remained unmarried. Then again, they probably wouldn’t notice that she was around if their behaviour towards her was anything to go by. It would be a miracle if they took notice.

But if they didn’t, Sophia wouldn’t care much. She could go along doing whatever life threw at her. As long as nobody tried to dictate her life and what she did, it would be fine.

The dining room was not as busy as she expected, so getting across the room to the table where the lemonade stood was easy enough. Sophia poured out a glass and took a sip. Miss Ripley certainly knew how to make lemonade; it was just delicious.

She turned to look across the room and almost collided with Mister Shore. Gasping, Sophia took a step back before she spilled her glass.

“Mister Shore! Forgive me; I didn’t see you there.”

“The apology should come from me. I was rude for sneaking up on you.” Mister Shore gave her a somewhat lazy smile, looking her up and down. “No harm done, though.”

“No harm done,” Sophia agreed. She sipped her drink. “Would you like some lemonade? My family cook is very good at making it.”

“I’ve already enjoyed some. I’m more interested in talking to you.”

Sophia blinked.

“Me? Why me?”

“Because you’re a beautiful woman, and I find you fascinating. What more can I want?”

Sophia didn’t know what to say to that. This interest in her within moments of meeting was not something she was used to. Mister Shore seemed to be a nice gentleman, for now. But Sophia wasn’t one to immediately trust what came out of someone’s mouth as soon as they were introduced.

You almost had the opposite reaction to Thomas Ford when you met him, and you didn’t even know his name.

That’s different.

How is it different?

“I must say,” Mister Shore went on, “when my friend Thomas spoke about you, we were really surprised.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You didn’t think Mister Ford would mention you?”
