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“We won’t, Mother,” Thomas promised.

Baron Beauchamp just gave his son a brisk nod and headed down the hall. He was more than likely going to hide away in his study before he went to bed. Baroness Beauchamp would have retired already to her room. Anything not to interact with her husband.

Given the baron’s bad mood towards the end of the evening, Thomas could understand why.

“Come on, you two.” Pierce clapped his hands on the brothers’ shoulders. “Let’s go and have a drink.”

“We’ve already had quite a few,” Edwin pointed out. “Do we really need more?”

“You barely had any. You were talking the ear off that darling Miss Hales.” Pierce chuckled as he gestured at Thomas. “While this one was walking into doors and getting black eyes. I think he needs a strong one after embarrassing himself like that.”

Thomas grimaced, resisting the urge to touch his face. He hadn’t expected the bruises to come up so quickly across his forehead and over his left eye. It was embarrassing having to think of an excuse. Aimee’s family had to think he was really stupid for not seeing the door and walking into it.

But he couldn’t exactly say he went into the garden to make sure Sophia was alright and ran into a branch in the dark. That would raise a lot of questions, even if he hadn’t mentioned Sophia.

At least they had taken the lie. Thomas didn’t want to think how he would get out of it if they had pushed the moment.

“So,” Pierce led the way into the drawing room, tugging on the bell pull before slumping onto the settee, “you and your future bride didn’t look like a perfect couple.”

Thomas frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“Aimee Burke swans around like a peacock when she’s got her own way, while you were looking like you were on your way to a funeral.”

Edwin laughed.

“Swans around like a peacock? Isn’t that a bit of a mix-up, Pierce?”

“It sounds about right when you’re talking about Aimee. She’s materialistic and knowing she’s going to marry someone wealthy is making her look very smug.” Pierce shuddered. “I’m so glad I’m not marrying her. I wouldn’t be able to cope with her, even if she is beautiful.”

Thomas groaned.

“You’re not helping, Pierce. And I thought we were going to have drinks.”

“I’ve called for one of the servants.”

“Didn’t you pour out the drinks last time?”

Pierce shrugged.

“I’m tired. And I want to bask in my decisions tonight.”

Edwin and Thomas exchanged glances. They had noticed that Pierce had been in a relatively good mood for most of the evening, which was odd given his views on attending balls he didn’t like. To say he was tired was odd.

Thomas felt this was about Sophia. Ever since the two of them talked, Pierce had been smiling more. He had actually been smiling and laughing with the other guests. Thomas had thought he had been the one to hit his head. Pierce hadn’t been like that with other women.

That didn’t sit well with him at all, but Thomas would play along with it.

“What decisions?” he asked, moving to sit on a chair. “What dastardly plan have you got yourself into now?”

“Nothing dastardly. One that my father might actually be happy with.” Pierce looked at Edwin. “This is your first time meeting Aimee Burke. What did you think of her?”

Edwin wrinkled his nose.

“She wasn’t really impressive if I’m honest. Beautiful, yes, and she will be a perfect wife for anyone if you like the aesthetic. But she’s clearly a materialistic person. She looks down her nose at everyone she doesn’t think is worth her time, including me. And the demands she had on Thomas to keep his attention were bordering on ridiculous.”

“Don’t remind me of them,” Thomas grumbled. “She wanted me to stick to her side all evening. I was lucky to get away for a few minutes.”
