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“And in that time, you walked into a door.” Pierce chuckled. “Maybe it’s a good thing she wants you with her all the time. Then you can’t hurt yourself.”

Thomas glared at him.

“What are you getting at? Why are you asking Edwin about Aimee?”

“Calm down. You’ll find out shortly.” Pierce gestured at Edwin. “You also met Sophia Burke. What did you think of her?”

“Really sweet and kind. There was something fresh about her, although she was a little subdued in the setting tonight. Miss Hales was singing her praises for the most time we were talking if she ever came up.”

“Exactly. She’s sweet and lovely. Like a breath of fresh air.”

Thomas glanced at Edwin, who looked equally bewildered.

“Where are you going with this, Pierce?” Thomas asked. “You’re making us nervous. Have you drunk too much?”

“No, nothing like that. I’ve just made a decision.” Pierce gestured at himself. “I think I’ve found someone I want to have a serious relationship with.”

It took a moment for the words to sink in. Just like the knot in Thomas’ stomach sank.

“You…you’re thinking of courting Sophia Burke? Really?”

“Why not? She’s the complete opposite of her sister, and I think she’s adorable. Plus, she’s beautiful and doesn’t seem to know it.” Pierce gestured at himself. “I think she would be perfect for me. Just who I need in my life.”

Thomas felt nauseous. Pierce was a good friend, and while they could get along with most things, he couldn’t agree to this. While Pierce might think Sophia was perfect for him, Thomas didn’t think so. The two of them were probably going to be the most mismatched couple he had ever come across.

Then again, that didn’t normally matter. Mismatched pairings were often quite successful. However, Thomas didn’t think it would be the same here.

“Well, what do you think?” Pierce looked from Thomas to Edwin. “I’m finally thinking about settling down. It’s a good thing for my parents, and I’m sure plenty of gentlemen in the ton will be delighted to know I’ve decided to choose one person for something more serious.”

“I …” Thomas stuttered. “I guess …”

Edwin looked just as convinced as Thomas felt, frowning at their friend.

“Are you absolutely sure about this, Pierce? Sophia isn’t like the other women you’ve seduced, and she will certainly not fall at your feet like everyone else.”

“I noticed. Which is what made me wonder whether she was the one for me.” Pierce beamed. “I think she’s perfect for me. Maybe I’ll actually soften up and be a proper family man.”

Thomas still felt nauseous. He tried not to squirm as his stomach churned. Pierce and Sophia together? That was not a pairing that should even work. He couldn’t see the two of them together.

“So?” Pierce pushed.

Edwin looked like he didn’t really know what to say, turning to Thomas, but Thomas was stuck on his response as well. He didn’t want Pierce to pursue Sophia. She deserved someone better.

Someone like me.

You’re going to marry her sister. Why would you ever think that?

That was the problem. Thomas knew things were confusing for him regarding Sophia, and he knew things couldn’t happen between them, given the circumstances. But the attraction he was experiencing every time he even thought about her was startling and strong. Thomas didn’t understand it, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. He certainly wasn’t going to tell his friends about how the attraction had been building for him in a short time.

Well, he might have confessed to it, but not now Pierce had said something about Sophia. He seemed pretty determined about it, and Thomas didn’t want to ruin the moment. Much as he disliked it.

Besides, he was engaged. He had no claim on Sophia at all. So he shouldn’t be upset about it.

Shouldn’t he? His head was in a complete mess.

“You two are making me really nervous,” Pierce commented. “Can you at least be happy for me that I’ve decided to actually court someone instead of just having an affair?”

Thomas shook himself.
