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It was darker than Sophia anticipated when she got to the woods. The sun was still up, but the shadows were coming in thick and fast among the trees. With the thick branches and broad leaves, barely any sun could come through. Sophia hadn’t been up to the woods at this time of the evening before, and now she was beginning to regret it.

But she didn’t want to go back. Not just yet. Taking a deep breath, Sophia wrapped her shawl tighter around her and kept walking. There was a clearing just up ahead. Once she was there, it would be a good place to stop. Then, instead of taking a walk around the estate, she could sit there for a while before going back. If she was outside for too long before it got dark, she would get lost, and Sophia didn’t want to deal with that.

Just a few minutes away from her family was all she needed. Away from the house. Preferably away from her thoughts consumed by a gentleman she shouldn’t be thinking about, but that wasn’t going to happen, unfortunately. They were still niggling at the back of her mind, and Sophia couldn’t get rid of them.

When she reached the clearing, Sophia went to a tree stump and sat down. The sky was starting to darken, but the rich blue was still there, slowly soaking up the inky black of the night. From where she sat, she could watch everything change with an uninterrupted view.

This was better than painting. The scenery around here was spectacular, and it felt like Sophia was the only one who understood it.

She sat there for a while until the wind started picking up a little and whipping around her. It was starting to get a little chilly now. Probably a hint that she needed to get back. While Sophia was tempted to stay out for longer, she knew how quickly darkness could come down on the countryside. It would be better to leave.

She was about to sit up when she heard a breaking of twigs. Sophia froze and listened. It could have been an animal nearby; the area was known for having deer. But something told her that this wasn’t a deer at all.

Sophie was not alone out here.

“Who’s there?” She peered into the dimness. “Who’s out there? Reveal yourself.”

“It’s just me.”

For a second, Sophia had no idea who it was. She didn’t recognise the voice. Then a shape appeared through the trees and entered the clearing. Sophia shot to her feet, her heart momentarily forgetting how to work properly, which almost sent her back down again.

“Mister Ford! I didn’t realise you were out here.”

“I just went for a walk. I had a lot on my mind.” Mister Ford gestured at their surroundings. “I take it I’m back on your land again.”

“I’m afraid you are.”

“Oh. I see.” He hesitated. “Do you want me to leave?”

“What? You don’t need to.”

Why was she telling him that? She should be telling him to leave; he was, essentially, trespassing. But Sophia found that she couldn’t. What was wrong with her?

“I am bothering you, Miss Sophia …”

“No, it’s fine. I was about to go back, anyway.” Sophia gestured at the sky. “It’s getting dark, and I don’t want to get caught out.”

Mister Ford frowned.

“I don’t like the idea of you going back without someone with you.”

“I can handle it, Mister Ford. I can take care of myself.”

Even so, Sophia silently hoped he would offer to walk her back. It was pathetic, and she had never been like this before, but she couldn’t help it. Sophia just couldn’t stop herself from thinking about it. She hesitated as she started to turn away.

“Good evening, Mister Ford. I will be heading home.”

“Not on your own, you’re not.” His voice sounded final, and Sophia looked back to see Mister Ford walking towards her. “I’m going to escort you home.”


“What sort of gentleman would I be if I left you to walk home alone?” He stopped before her. “I want to be sure that you’re safe and not lost.”

Sophia snorted.

“I’m hardly going to get lost on my own land, Mister Ford.”

“Even so, will you humour me?”
