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“I don’t think that’s going to happen, Christiana.”

“Maybe you should.” Christiana giggled. “I remember what you said about Aimee’s reaction when Mister Shore brought you those beautiful flowers. You should talk to Mister Shore more and let him flatter you, so she gets annoyed that she’s not the centre of attention.”

Sophia rolled her eyes.

“I’m not going to do that. This isn’t a competition.”

“She makes it out to be quite a bit. It’s not your fault she’s turned into a mean little …”

“Christiana, careful. While I agree Aimee is a pain, she’s still my sister.”

Her friend peered at her. Then she sighed and turned away.

“I doubt I’ll ever understand you completely. After the way your family treats you, I wouldn’t blame you for speaking poorly about them, and you refuse to do it. Not in the way I would expect, anyway.”

“They’re still my family, Christiana. I love them despite everything.”

“There are times when I don’t think they’re worthy of your love at all.” Christiana gestured towards the door. “Let’s go. I’m sure Mother will be wondering where we are if we don’t hurry up.”

“You go on downstairs. I’ll join you shortly.”

“Are you sure?”

Sophia took a deep breath and nodded. She did need to have a few moments alone before she went downstairs to join the other guests. Especially if Thomas Ford was going to be present on Aimee’s arm, with Aimee looking very smug about it. Sophia was beginning to resent her sister for being the one Thomas Ford would marry.

And that made her feel very guilty. She shouldn’t have anything close to a reaction like this towards the man. Sure, he was kind and considerate, and he did look out for her when nobody else would. But that was it. He was only doing it out of the kindness of his heart. They were going to be relatives soon, after all.

But relatives did not react to each other as Sophia did to him. It was strong, intense, and very unnerving. It felt like a betrayal of her sister; even though she was a pain, Aimee didn’t deserve that.

Sophia didn’t want to go downstairs and meet Mister Ford, saying something that embarrassed her and revealed to everyone that they had been acquainted with everyone not being present.

That would bring out a lot of questions, and Sophia knew she wouldn’t be able to answer them without humiliating herself. She was aware that she could be considered ruined if it got out that she had been in the company of a gentleman without a chaperone, even if nothing happened.

Mister Ford hadn’t said anything so far, and Sophia believed he wouldn’t. Still, that didn’t help the racing of her heart whenever she looked at him or how her body felt when he held her, stopping her from falling. It made her want to lean into him and absorb the heat from his body.

That was a very bad idea.

“Alright.” Christiana squeezed Sophia’s hands. “Take your time. If you feel any sort of discomfort, let me know. I’ll help you in whatever way I can.”

“Providing you can take yourself away from Mister Edwin,” Sophia mentioned teasingly.

“I’m sure I can if it’s for you.” Christiana stepped away. “Like I said, take your time. Dinner isn’t for another hour yet.”

Sophia didn’t answer. She didn’t know if she would have enough of an appetite shortly if Thomas Ford were going to be in the same room.

She didn’t know why she was so affected by him. And Sophia was still not even sure she liked it.

She was a mess.


Sophia tried to enjoy the evening. She really did. But it wasn’t easy when she was sitting next to Mister Ford with her sister sitting across from them. And whenever Aimee started talking loudly, taking over the conversation to talk about herself, for the most part, Sophia had to grit her teeth to fight back the headache.

She wished she had pleaded out of the dinner evening, but Christiana had wanted her to be there, and Sophia could never say no to her friend. However, even Christiana being present, sitting across from her during dinner, didn’t help with Sophia’s nerves. Nor did it loosen the tight knot in her chest.

God, what was wrong with her? It was like she was the one being set up with him, and Sophia felt backed into a corner. Sitting next to Mister Ford, aware of his presence being a little too close for comfort, was getting too much.

