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You really are losing it when your sister’s future husband is around. This is not good at all.

“You go on back to the dinner, Mister Ford,” Sophia heard Christiana say. “I’ll follow behind shortly.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I’ll just make her comfortable.”

Sophia didn’t hear anything for a moment. Then she felt fingers brushing against her forehead, brushing her hair away from her face. She tried not to react, feeling the warmth from the touch across her skin. He was touching her. Sophia held her breath as his fingers moved over her temple, tucking her stray lock behind her ear. Then she heard footsteps moving away, the door closing behind her.

“Alright, my little actress. You can open your eyes now. He’s gone.”

Sophia opened her eyes and saw Christiana leaning over her knowingly.

“How did you know I was not really unconscious?”

“How long have I known you? You didn’t want your mother scolding you for making a mess?” Christiana sat back. “I’m impressed you kept it up for so long. You really didn’t want to be there tonight, did you?”

“I would have coped if I hadn’t been made to sit next to Mister Ford.” Sophia sat up slowly. “I felt like everything was under scrutiny because of how close he was.”

“If I’d known you would be sitting beside Mister Ford, I would have made sure you switched places with me, but I had no idea until we came in.” Christiana sighed. “Forgive me, Sophia. I didn’t want you to have any discomfort but suggesting that you switch places with me would have raised some questions. And I don’t think you would be too happy to sit beside Aimee.”

“At least I could sit next to Mister Edwin. He’s nice enough.”

Her friend’s expression turned a little dreamy.

“He certainly is.”

Sophia tried not to smile at Christiana’s reaction. It wasn’t just her who was affected by the Ford brothers.

“Go back to dinner, Christiana. I’ll be fine here.”

“Are you sure? Are you going to join us once you’re ready?”

“I think I might just go home. I’m going to get scolded by my parents for behaving in such a manner, so I think I would prefer to get home and prepare myself before that happens.”

“I don’t blame you. Things are going to be rather frosty. Besides, I’m sure Aimee will want to have the attention on her and Mister Ford and not on you.”

There was that. Sophia didn’t want her sister scowling at her, either. It would be best if she returned shortly. Then she could have time alone and focus on breathing properly again.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” Christiana asked. “I can do that for you if you need it.”

“No, you go back. You said to Mister Ford that you would return as well and leave me be, so do that.”

“I don’t mind.”

Sophia squeezed her friend’s hand.

“I love you, but please listen to me. Go back and enjoy Mister Edwin’s company. I think there’s something there.”

Christiana blushed. But she nodded and stood up.

“Alright. I’ll notify the staff to get the carriage ready. Give it half an hour, and then go out by the side door. Then you don’t have to pass through the house and answer any more questions.”

“Thank you, Christiana. I appreciate it.”

Christiana smiled at her, and then she left the room. Sophia slumped over herself, resting her forehead on her knees. This evening just seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Chapter 13
