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Thomas couldn’t stop thinking about Sophia. She had fainted right next to him, and she didn’t seem to respond to anything, not even when he picked her up. He didn’t care that his breeches had been splashed with water, and the cloth was probably ruined. He was more focused on Sophia.

Even as he ate dinner, which settled heavily in his stomach, with Aimee trying to get his attention across the table, Thomas couldn’t think about anything except how Sophia was. It had just come out of nowhere, and she had become really pale. Thomas had not seen anything like it. That was frightening.

He wanted to go and see how she was, but he didn’t think anyone would allow him without question. He should leave her alone and let Lady Christiana take care of her friend. Hopefully, Sophia would return, and he would be able to talk to her at some point. Providing Aimee let him leave the room.

But Sophia didn’t return, not even as they all filed into the drawing room. Thomas hovered near the back with Edwin, watching everyone enter the same room.

“Did I miss something?” he asked. “I thought the ladies went into a separate room.”

“Normally, we would, but Christiana’s father asked her if she would perform on the piano for us.”

“Christiana? She’s not a lady anymore?”

Edwin’s face went bright red. Thomas smiled and clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry; I’m not going to gripe about it. You really do like her, don’t you?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“From how you two have been together since you met, I think it’s safe to say it is.” Thomas nodded towards their father, who was disappearing into the drawing room. “Father will certainly get one happy marriage out of this.”

“Do you think he’ll stop trying to put you and Lady Aimee together once things progress with Christiana and myself?”

“I doubt it. I’m the eldest, so I’m the main focus.” Thomas sighed and moved away.

“You go and join the others. I’ll be along shortly.”

“Where are you going?”

“I just need some air. It’s feeling a bit warmer than I remember.” Thomas tugged at his collar and undid the cravat threatening to choke him. “And I think I’m a bit heavier than a little thing like Lady Sophia.”

“Fair point.” Edwin held up his hands. “I’m not carrying you if you keel over.”

“I love you, too, little brother.”

Thomas gave him a small wave and then headed through the house to find an outside door. He needed a moment on his own, just to get his thoughts in order. Aimee had to have noticed how distracted he was, and Thomas didn’t know if he could give a convincing answer.

How could anyone say to their future bride that they were more concerned about their younger sister? How could he say that he found himself caring more about Sophia than Aimee? She wouldn’t take that well at all, and everyone would be asking questions.

Thomas wasn’t about to tarnish Sophia’s reputation by answering honestly.

He felt like he was getting lost. He thought he was going round in circles. Was there even a door around here to the outside? It didn’t feel like it. Surely, he couldn’t have entered a labyrinth? The house hadn’t even looked that big on the outside.

Thomas was about to give up when he saw Sophia. She was walking down the hall away from him as he turned a corner, approaching a door at the far end. He hurried after her.


Sophia stopped suddenly, but she didn’t turn around. Thomas slowed as he neared her. She was trembling.

“Are you alright now? I was worried about you.”

“I’m fine, Mister Ford. I just felt a bit overcome with the … well, it was a bit too warm in there.”

“I understand,” Thomas murmured. He swallowed. Why was he suddenly feeling nervous? “Are you going to come and join us? Lady Christiana is playing the piano for the guests. I think she would like you to be there.”

“I’m going home.”

