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Thomas arrived back at Pierce’s house in time for one of the carriages to pull up outside the house. Pierce and Edwin came out, both dressed smartly, and Pierce was twirling his cane. Edwin saw his brother first and slowed.

“Thomas? Are you alright? You look rather pale.”

“I’m fine.” Thomas looked from his brother to his friend, fighting back the jealousy swirling in his chest. “Are you going out to the club, then?”

“We’ve got dinner reservations with some of my friends. We’re going to make the most of an evening playing cards.” Pierce gestured at him with the cane. “You want to join us? We’re happy to accommodate more people.”

Thomas shook his head.

“Not tonight. I’ve got to talk to Father.”

Also, he didn’t want to be around Pierce in case he ended up taking a swing at him. His friend was courting Sophia, and he did not like it. Pierce was a rake, and he saw a sweet, inexperienced girl as a conquest waiting to happen. Even though Sophia didn’t seem susceptible right now, there was a chance it could happen, and she could get seduced.

Thomas did not want that to happen.

“Fine. If you want to join us, you know where to find us.” Pierce tapped Edwin on the shoulder. “Come along, Edwin. Let’s leave the man with the long face.”

He got into the carriage while Edwin regarded Thomas warily.

“Are you sure you’re alright? I can stay behind, and we can talk if you want …”

“No, it’s fine. You go with Pierce.” Thomas clapped his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I’m not going to be very good company right now. I want to be alone once I’ve spoken to Father.”

Edwin looked unconvinced, but he nodded and got into the carriage, leaning out after he shut the door.

“You need anything, tell me. Promise me.”

Thomas sighed.

“Fine. I promise. Now go.”

He didn’t watch the carriage pull away, heading into the house and passing his hat and coat to the footman. Then Thomas went looking for his father.

It took a while, but he eventually found Hawksworth in the library. His father was on the settee, using a portable writing desk on his lap, frowning at the letter he was writing. He looked up as Thomas came in.

“Thomas. I thought you were going out with your brother and Mister Shore.”

“They’ve just left. I didn’t feel like going.” Thomas hesitated. “Father, I need to talk to you. It’s about this engagement you want me to be in.”

For a moment, Hawksworth was silent, just staring at him. Then he put the writing desk aside and uncrossed his legs.

“I think you’d better sit down and explain yourself to me. I thought you agreed to this in the beginning.”

“I did, but … I shouldn’t have. I should have gone with what I truly wanted at the time: to have no match arranged.”

His father looked confused. He gestured at the settee across from him.

“Sit down, Thomas. And go slowly.”

Thomas sagged onto the cushions, feeling his heart dropping to his stomach. He knew he was letting his father down, especially after agreeing to it, and now he was planning on going back on it. Hawksworth was going to be disappointed in him.

“I can’t marry Aimee Burke, Father. I don’t want to marry her.” He took a deep breath. “I know you and Mother are expecting me to propose to Aimee when Pierce’s parents host a ball here later in the week. But I can’t do it. The thought of getting married to her, even though it’s to help you and secure the viscountcy, just doesn’t make me feel happy or content knowing things will be secure. It just fills me with dread.”


“You’ve met her as well. Are you honestly happy about her becoming my wife?”

Hawksworth pursed his lips.
